For those of you who may not be aware of who Bobby is better know as "YOu Know"
allow me to share some things about this man that may help to shed some light on his mindset as a jw.
one of the most important things i have found when dealing with "loyal" jw on the net is to find out thier status with in the org, esp if they are male-
you see this organization is a "position" driven organization, esp for males and if they have NO POSITION within thier local congo - other than mike handler after being a jw for years then that means in most cases the male jw is considered a FLUNKY- we have seen guys as young as 17 being appointed as MS-
well notice the office position of the wt toward male members who hold no positions:
Paducah Sun 1-28-01
J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church, said .....
because of the church's structure, the fact that such amember, if male, who would have fewer rights in the congregation, would not be serving
in a leadership role would alert members that "he obviously lacks spiritual maturity."
so we see that all the members would quickly realize if a man has no title he is a spiritual Flunky
well YK holds no POsition not a MS or Elder, but he has informed us that he is YOUNG ANNOINTED-- now we all know how most jw view YOUNG ANNOINTED-
yes when a person has only been a jw a few yrs and is under 85yrs of age -SMILE and then annouces
well at that point the avg jw will say BRO MAN IS A LITTLE OFF - SMILE
i ASKED YK --how does he justify coming to such a site as this--- and his response was that
"""""Jah had given him a exemption to be here on this forum with apostates""""""-
now are you starting to get the picture of the type of jw you are dealing with SMILE
I only post this thread so that many of you newer ones will not allow yourself to get bent out of shape over YK post--you see he is viewed as a loser in his hall and no one listens to his comments or thoughts SO THE NET provides him with the only source of mental dialog.
over the years i have come to appreicate the role that he has played in helping so many NONJW see just how far the indoctrianation of wt rules can push a human -
he demostrate the extreme in of the damage that occurs when on buys into the wt dogma
he has been so indoctrinated that he has even claimed to be one of christ bro who will be in heaven with him
many of you have no idea how valuable this man has been in helping me to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that jw are a High Control group
one of the easiest ways i have found is to show a NONJW the Official teaching on a matter and then show them YK teaching on the same matter and it works ever time like clock work.
I have often said that in order to come up with the stuff he comes up with we would have to make it up as former jw, but we can always count on some poor soul like YK to confirm why the wt forbides it's members from being in forums like this
the boys in writing know that the paper trial of the org for the last 100+yrs is just impossible to defend, then we see low level jw like YK- not CO, DOs and branch guys, but low level pubs like YK trying to defend what the Heavy weights know can' t be defended.
so in my view he serves the ,most important role on a board like this
each post of his only confirms that you and i made the proper choice in leaving wt
at times i truly feel sorry for the dude- i recall so many CO's and Elders who would laugh at male members like YK knowing that he would never be used beyond cutting the KH grass on sat-
YES ALMOST every congo has yk type bro or sister, when they raise thier hand to comment everyone gets nervous cause you know that thier comment will be out OF LEFT FIELD
well below is a repost that sums up the double standard mindset of YK and so many other jw who come to the DB
YouKnow defends the Watchtower Society, he does not consider himself subject to their ecclesiastical authority:
YouKnow also confirms this contractual agreement to abide by the ecclesiastical authority of Jehovahs Witnesses:
When you became one of Jehovah's Witnesses you had to meet certain qualifications. You didn't just walk in off the street and say you were a Witness. You had to become approved. You agreed to live by Christian morals and you also accepted the consequences of being disapproved by the congregation if ever you flagrantly violated the Bible's standard. You also agreed to accept the authority of the Watchtower Society to establish what was going to be taught as official doctrine within the congregation. You acknowledged as well the authority of the older men within the congregation and you agreed to be submissive to them. If now you no longer agree to any of those tenets of your faith you are no longer qualified to be one of Jehovah's Witness. And just as you had to originally be accepted and approved by the congregation in order to qualify as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you can also be disapproved and judged as unfit to be associated and recognized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. / You Know
[bolding mine]
Stated more accurately, "You agreed to live by Christian morals as currently defined by the Watchtower Society and you also accepted the consequences of being disapproved by the congregation if ever you flagrantly violated the Bibles standard as currently interpreted by the Watchtower Society" Following ones Bible-trained Christian conscience is not enough; one must adhere to the Societys interpretation of the Bible and current rules to avoid being disfellowshipped.
This contract presents problems when ones conscience conflicts with the Societys current teaching. YouKnow is currently facing this dilemma. He questions the Societys involvement with the United Nations as an NGO but dares not speak out in his congregation. Here are some of his comments from the thread, "A Watchtower Society lie for UN association":
I am more convinced than ever that Jehovah's judgments are going to lay the Watchtower low and that only the faithful, those who really do love the truth and actually have faith in Jehovah, will survive the purge and eventually be restored to his favor. . . .
There is no question but that what the organization needs is a house cleaning, beginning with the house of God, otherwise know as Bethel. Jehovah is in a perfect position to do just that. . . .
I have no interest in the petty power politics that undoubtedly go on at Bethel. Human nature naturally stratifies any organization into progressive and conservative factions. You can see that in the local congregational level and I am sure it exists at the top of the organization. . . . The only thing I am concerned with is Jehovah's will and word. That's why I am content to do my thing and let them do theirs knowing that Jehovah will do his thing in due time. And indeed, his work is strange as Isaiah testifies. At some point the brothers will realize that the sheet is too short for covering themselves with, then they will have no choice but to sit down and re-read the Bible and jetison a lot of the stuff that we have been saddled with.
The only person I have spoken to about the UN scandal is my wife. I hope that I can keep my mouth shut and not disturb my brothers with this thing. . . . Really, the Bible says that it is beauty to cover over transgression. So, I really don't want to call attention to the scandal. It's a shameful thing in my opinion. Its disgraceful. . . .
The Watchtower probably isn't going to be the agency through which those answers come during the crunch time. I think I might be in a position in the future to redirect the loyal ones more succesfully into the truth.
So while YouKnow points out that all baptized Jehovahs Witnesses have agreed to submit to the doctrinal authority of the Society, he quietly disregards their authority and does his own thing, speculating about a time in the future when he might repudiate their doctrinal authority completely. YouKnow values his dedication to Jehovah more highly than submission to an organization. Admirable as this attitude is, still, under the Watchtower contract, this is grounds for disfellowshipping.