Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
I would like to bring attention to a matter that was addressed by NBC's Dateline and also the BBC program PANORAMA recently, involving child abuse in a religion. Unlike the Catholics, who admit there is sexual abuse within their ranks, and are taking steps to address the issue and protect the children, turning over the suspects to the police for potential prosecution; the Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT.
The Jehovahs Witnesses admit that they have a database within their USA headquarters with an unconfirmed number of names (Unverifiable estimates are upwards of 27,000+ names) of pedophiles within their own congregations that they say they keep whenever an accusation is made against one of their own.
However, in most cases, these names are not disclosed to local authorities for follow up. They are not only taking the law into their own hands with this, and potentially circumventing state and government law, they are putting their own children at risk, and exposing the general public as well.
Jehovah's witnesses go door-to-door. In both reports they do not stop pedophiles from continuing in their door-to-door ministry. In the Dateline report, one man was convicted and was sent to prison, and as soon as he was released, he went back into the door-to-door ministry! The reports I saw on both programs are extremely alarming, especially in recent light of all the child abductions happening here in the USA.
In addition, in recent light of the US Supreme court ruling in Ohio regarding Jehovah's Witnesses and their rights to go door-to-door without any requirement to 'register' with their local authorities, I'm very concerned that some of these men dressed in suit and tie are predators looking for their next victim.
The Catholic Church is admitting to their problems and is attempting to address them and cooperate with law enforcement in an effort to protect children, the public, and to see that justice is served for perpetrators of this heinous crime.
In stark contrast, the Jehovah's Witnesses are discouraging their members from contacting local authorities, not helping the children within their own congregations, and allowing these people to continue to go door-to-door without so much as an investigation by any law enforcement agency into any claims made, putting the general public at risk!
I would very much appreciate it if you would look into this matter, in the hopes of protecting our children from any pedophiles walking around in suits pretending to be ministers of faith!
Thank you,
Concerned Citizen in xxxxxxxxxxxxx, xx
Below are weblinks to the programs as they aired on TV, and also a couple of web sites discussing this issue, and even the text of a bill that was read concerning this issue in the British parliament.
A.) The program that aired on Dateline
B.) The program that aired on the BBC program Panorama
C.) A "bill" that was introduced into the British parliament basically inquiring about the same issue as I'm addressing to you over here
D.) The website silentlambs, run by Bill Bowen (In both Dateline and BBC programs)
A.) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/media.asp?site=3
B.) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/media.asp?site=3
C.) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32396&site=3
D.) http://www.silentlambs.com/
NOTE: www.jehovahs-witness.com is a discussion forum message board. They have been gracious enough to put up links to the BBC and Dateline programs.
Please feel free to contact me if you require further information,