Is he the one that said something about "mild pedophilia"???
Richard Dawkins espouses Militant Atheism: "Mock them, Ridicule them." Attack Religious People with Insults!
by MagicMItchJensen 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Doltogoist, your reasonable, you see what he is saying is wrong so why do people try to qualify unambiguous hate speech?
It's like I said, in the past, religious leaders incited others to kill and commit atrocities. For example, x-tians murdered between 100 - 200 million people and raped, pillaged, enslaved and tortured millions more. It's been estimated that science was held back by x-tians by up to 100 years. X-tians even helped Nazis war criminals escape to South America after the war. Until recently, katlicker priests went unchallenged in their paedophilic behaviour. What makes this even worse is that religion is supposed to be about peace, love, understanding and forgiveness.Some people can forgive a lot easier than others. It would seem that Dawkins isn't one of those people. I have to admit though, I'm finding it especially difficult too and my instinct is to ridicule but, you know what?, there may be a better way.
In the end though, Dawkins and I want the same thing - an end to religion.
Whether Dawkins' way is the better or whether showing more tolerance and understanding is the better way remains to be seen. All I've succeeded in doing so far is to let loose some frustration is all.
@MagicMitchJensen - just to be clear, I'm not a follower of Dawkins. When he speaks on his specialist subject - evolutionary biology - he's brilliant; when he speaks on other matters, he's very hit-and-miss. If you check my posting history you'll see that I'm not an atheist - I'm agnostic.
Asking the age of the footage is a reasonable question and in no way seeks to defend Dawkins' crazier comments.
Your comparison of Dawkins to the WTS is a poor one. Richard Dawkins neither shuns his followers if they disagree with him, nor does he demand that they refuse life-saving treatment.
Only a complete moron would take Dawkins' command to ridicule religious people by walking into a mosque and shouting insults.
Absolutely, by all means, feed the persecution complex.
That'll solve everything.
The great Voltaire absolutely mocked the religionists of his day with great effect, as did all of the great skeptics that followed him. Robert J Ingersoll positively encouraged it, saying it is sometimes the only way to shock the sensibilities of an otherwise thoroughly brainwashed and tightly clamped mind.
The Watchtower for most of it's existence constantly mocked Christendom's leaders. Judge Rutherford absolutely revelled in it.
Village Idiot
Dawkings did say if necessary they need to be ridiculed with contempt.
As an atheist mine is another approach. I personally don't care what you believe in. So long as you don't try to force your view through public in the public arenas such as schools you could believe in pink uniforms. It's when you try to do that II have trouble with.
PS: Below are my mock gods:
I am an agnostic I don't make fun of theists or atheists. They are both positions that can not so far be proven. I believe agnosticism is the only position that a true scientists can take. You don't enter any experiment with your mind already made up. You wait for observations and conclusions and then you wait for peer review of the same. It's when the evidence becomes overwhelming, for example natural selection, that it gets increasingly difficult to refute it as fact and even then some try. -
Village Idiot
"I am an agnostic"It is lack of evidence for a god, not evidence for or against a god, that is how atheists reason. As they like to say, the burden of proof lies with the person making the most outrageous statement. The same applies to believing in invisible pink unicorns by a person who's been indoctrinated from child hood into believing in such a thing.
There's no such thing as an agnostic pink unicorn believer.
As they like to say, the burden of proof lies with the person making the most outrageous statement.
The burden of proof lies with anyone saying this is true or that is true and here's why.
Village Idiot
"As they like to say, the burden of proof lies with the person making the most outrageous statement."
Village Idiot:"The burden of proof lies with anyone saying this is true or that is true and here's why."
Does that make you an invisible pink unicorn agnostic?.