A bit of clarification;
When I say hope, I am addressing the hope of better things for all, not hope of harm to come to others. Unrealistic expectations are not hope to me. Maybe wishful thinking, but not hope.
I am talking about hope of a better life, hope that good things happen. In Vietnam, I also hoped to make it through the night on guard duty without attacks. Of course, it didn't happen, but when it did, I survived, obviously. Still, that hope kept me going, the hope that one day, it would be over and I could get the hell out of there.
At one time, I was quite the JW apologist. Thinking back, I was trying to defend the undefendable, trying to convince myself it was right. I was praying for the truth to be shown me and hoping for an answer. When the answers came, I ignored them for a long time. Yet, I still had the hope of truthful answers. I just needed to open my eyes and see them.
As Dutchie posted, sooner or later, reality has to set in and you need to accept it. You can resign yourself to facts, but need you just give up? Still, even after resigning yourself to the inevitable, what harm is their in hoping for a peaceful end? What harm would there be in hoping for things to be better in the world one day? Couldn't hope in the resurrection or going off the heaven make your final days more at ease? Would it really matter if neither were true? I don't think so.
Edited to add; Heaven, yes, Dakotas are great little trucks. Of course, I cheat. I work for a Dodge dealer as technician, so I take care of it myself. Since new, no one has touched it but me, except for last December when some woman ran a red light and T-boned me in the passenger door. But, I knew the owner of the body shop and and made sure repairs were done properly. Do you and your husband have a nick name for yours? Mine is Lil Red.
Lew W
Edited by - DakotaRed on 18 July 2002 2:2:46
Edited by - DakotaRed on 18 July 2002 2:7:5