Opinions Please on Family Letter

by patio34 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34


    I sent the following to my JW son today and, of course, I'm antsy about his reaction. I'd appreciate any input y'all may have. Thanks!


    Dear JW Son,

    It was nice to talk to you last night. I am seeking to look ahead and prevent a serious problem for each of us. Even as the Bible says that the wise one has looked ahead and avoided the day of disaster in Proverbs.

    A Problem

    Today, I saw the August Kingdom Ministry that reminds JWs about the treatment of disfellowshipped ones. This made me stop and think about our situation. I am presuming that you will follow closely the directives in the KM. Since Shunned Sam has been designated as a "disfellowshipped" person, this presents quite a problem with you and Shunned Sam staying in my house at the same time.

    My Views

    Shunned Sam lives there with my complete approval and I no longer view him as a "disfellowshipped" person. To me, he is simply someone that was involved with a religion and chose to leave. (This compares with my situation of ceasing to be involved. I don't view myself as "apostate," "disfellowshipped," "Ex-JW," etc., but rather as person who used 28 years of life and sacrificed much for a religion that she no longer is involved with for private reasons.)

    With all of us there, there would be a lot of association and shared meals. It seems to me that this would be an extremely awkward situation for each of us. I fear that there would be damage to our family as a unit, which has been splintered enough in the past, for you to display any hint of your choice of avoiding much association or "even sharing a meal" with Shunned Sam.

    Shunned Sam's & Your Views

    Then, there are Shunned Sam's feelings to consider. It would be unacceptable to me to have even a partial "shunning" in his own home, especially when the head of the house--me--no longer holds this view nor did I even when a JW. It would be different if we were visiting you in your home or in a kingdom hall.

    This situation would also go against your religious beliefs. You would constantly be in a precarious position of deciding "how far should I go?"

    Potential Family Disaster

    If you were staying with me and Shunned Sam, it seems to me this would lead to everyone walking on egg shells so as not to cause a schism in the family. It seems to me to have the potential of seriously damaging the sometimes-fragile ties we already have. This would cause harm to the family even if we were to avoid a major event.

    This is not a small matter but one of grave consequences. I am trying to respect the dignity of each person. Of course, you are free to pursue your life and beliefs, but not to bring them into my and Shunned Sam's home and cause harm. It is your choice to willingly participate in JWs shunning of family members, but it is my choice and right to say what goes on in my home and how members are treated in my home. "Your right to swing your foot ends with my knee."

    I am concerned with legitimate feelings: 1) that Shunned Sam would not want to feel shunned, avoided, and poorly treated as a pariah in his own residence; and 2) that I won't have this treatment and tension in my home.

    In this, Shunned Sam takes priority because it is his home too. And my beliefs have changed.

    My Solution and Decision

    You cannot stay with me on your visit. Please make arrangements to stay with someone else. It would protect everyone's rights if you stayed with friends. And then we can just have visits. Even the family picnic I had considered is now off because of the KM directives. And there's no way that I would exclude Shunned Sam to honor your beliefs, as I no longer participate in them.

    I'm sorry that I have to rescind my offer of your staying with me. I had not foreseen the consequences. If I didn't feel it was so grave, I wouldn't take this action.

    Your Responsive Attitude

    Please take this in the spirit it's offered: this would protect and respect everyone's feelings and prevent a potentially, permanently, damaging rift in our family's relationship. It causes no undue hardship on you. I love you, JW Son, and from 28 years of being a JW, understand completely your religious views. Because of this, I also know the rigid and harsh position that your religion and you choose to take with ones who no longer agree with you.


    It seems to me that it would not be reasonable for you to take offense. You know that your religious beliefs are hard and cause problems for people who do not agree. As evidence, the disfellowshipping/shunning policy is not something you would present in service or casual conversation because it is perceived to be very harsh to the public-at-large nor "unbelieving" family members, such as the (family members) in our home state. So, it shouldn't cause surprise nor offense if I now won't allow it in my home. It is not persecution, but a consequence of your decision to follow the JW policy.

    Follow-up and Conclusion

    Please e-mail me to let me know what your plans are. I insist that this subject stay via e-mails rather than phone calls. That way, we can stay calmer and consider more what we say.

    Please do not present your beliefs, the JW rationale of "it helps people to come back," and biblical reasons for them. Believe me, I know them as well as any JW from almost three decades of it.

    This is my decision and reasons for it.



    Ha! I followed Belbab's directions and could turn off the red and substituted pseudonyms. Thanks Belbab!

    Edited by - patio34 on 18 July 2002 20:15:47

  • patio34

    I'd like to add, but not in red as I don't know how to turn off the font color, that he is a very stubborn, diehard JW. So, his visit would be, in fact, extremely disturbing. Additionally, he would be very judgemental and vocal of his disapproval over my books also and i'll be damned if I'm going to go around hiding everything that may offend him.

    It's really the heigth of hubris for a JW to expect to visit you in your home and then expect the household to conform to their harsh beliefs.

    Well, I've convinced myself that the letter was the right thing to do and my boundaries are entirely proper.

    But I still would like other opinions. Please remember this is not an overly kind person. He's arrogant and has a superior attitude that being a JW just really feeds into. The whole family is not looking forward to the visit. His staying with me would be entirely unacceptable. But, really, I still want opinions.


  • expatbrit
    It's really the heigth of hubris for a JW to expect to visit you in your home and then expect the household to conform to their harsh beliefs.

    I think that's the bottom line, Pat. Your house, your rules, your boundaries. Your letter is very calm and logical. Unfortunately logic and JW's are like oil and water. If you make a real effort, you can get them to mix, but only temporarily. It's likely he'll take the "it's persecution" tack and wont visit at all. By the sound of it, it'll be his loss.


  • Hmmm


    I think I would have verified that he'll hold that position. Then again, if **** (what kind of mother would name her child a grammatical symbol?) has been DFd for a while, you may already know exactly how ***** (not once, but twice!) is going to treat him.

    If there is any chance that ***** would not be rude to ****, I'd give them the chance to say so. You never know when they'll have a change of heart. But if they've already confirmed that (through phone conversations, etc...) then that email was perfect. Polite, but very firm about what you'll not allow in your home, and how you'll not allow **** to be treated in his.

    Great job. I want you to be my ghost writer when dealing with my family.


    Edited by - hmmm on 18 July 2002 18:10:44

  • searchfothetruth

    I think the letter was exact and correct.

    I have a similar situation with my parents, they want to see their grandchildren and have to accept my arrangments ...and they do.

    Active JW's have to be made to realise that they are the ones in the wrong and by expecting everyone to bow to their needs all the time then they are fighting a loosing battle.

    Good luck and best wishes


  • nativenyr23

    Awesome letter! However, I agree with Hmmmm....

    Send the letter only if you are certain that his stand on the disfellowship shunning issue hasn't changed. He may have softened up and may not feel as strongly about it. However, if you guys have already had "tension" regarding this recently, then the letter is extremely well written - especially the part about keeping it an EMAIL so to avoid an emotional response that would further inflame the situation.

    Well done.


  • Larry

    Interesting perspective on that letter - very well thought out. You truly went the extra mile by explaining all the possible scenarios and solutions - good job. I don't think he'll appreciated your tact and logic, but at least you did what works for you. I'm very glad that you didn't compromise your stand and that you have the strength to defend other people's basic human rights - Bravo! Question - Does the family view you as D'FD or 'spiritually weak?' And do you care?

    Peace - Larry :)

  • Scully


    I absolutely LOVE this letter!! It's so reasonable, logical and well-thought out, and completely puts the burden on ***** (the JW) for potentially spoiling what could otherwise be a pleasant family gathering because of the shunning policy.

    There's nothing wrong with spelling out your boundaries in advance and expecting them to be respected.

    I'm going to put his thread in my "favorites" folder. I just may need to refer back to it someday for my own family.

    Love, Scully

  • patio34

    Thanks all, so much. That helps remove the butterflies I have for being so adamant about avoiding trouble.

    Expatbrit, it's so nice to hear from you. I always enjoy your posts. I agree that he'll probably view it as "persecution on God's people for being righteous."

    Hmmm, it was wierd to name my kids all with asterisks! LOL! Another reason I started this thread was so it could be hashed out in our coffee shop here. I regret, though, that I didn't post it here 1st. It would have been better to ask ****** point blank what his intentions were regarding shunning.

    Hi Searchforthetruth, you said:

    Active JW's have to be made to realise that they are the ones in the wrong and by expecting everyone to bow to their needs all the time then they are fighting a loosing battle.

    i agree wholeheartedly with that. I really hate the JW statement to a df'd family member that the df'd person is the one who causes the shunning by pulling away! How backwards! That's like a wife-beater saying "you made me do it!"

    nativenyr23, you're so right that I should have verified his stance on the shunning. See? If I would have sought y'all's opinions 1st, I would have. But I'm pretty sure from his actions in the recent past that he's adamant about it.

    Hi Larry, thanks for responding. In answer to your question:

    Does the family view you as D'FD or 'spiritually weak?' And do you care?

    I guess they view me as a potential apostate but uncaught. They know my views as an atheist and evolutionist, but so far, just ignore it. We don't talk about controversial subjects. The only reason I care, just as most of us here, is because of losing family contact.

    Thanks all!


    Edited by - patio34 on 18 July 2002 19:9:39

  • patio34


    That makes me feel a LOT better! I spent a lot of time on that letter and appreciate your compliments. I'll keep you all posted (pun!) about any response I get.



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