Can owning/reading apostate material get me DF'ed?

by PandaJ 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Whats funny about this, is that Catholics were banned from reading certain books even up to recent times. The WT has made fun of the book bannings by Catholics. The Jesuits finally told the big whigs that either they were mature enough to read whatever they wanted and they knew truth was truth. If books were banned, then something was hidden. What is there to hide if you have the truth???

    I think JWs should feel the same.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    You can be DF for any sort of disobedience for which: 1) you are not repentent, 2) you confess or there are two witnesses. If there are two witnessess to you owning/reading the books then you've promoted apostacy to those two people. When it gets to the three Commmitty members, then you've exposed five people to such evil things.

    You'd better be seen to be a rock solid JW, have an excuse, and repent like crazy. If it's well known in the congo that you have them (like after the elderettes get to work telling everyone), you fate is nearly sealed but you may still getaway with a public reproof.

    Good luck - best just to fade away IMO.

  • chappy

    This is one of, if not the biggest reason that the WTS is not Gods organization. There should be nothing to fear from reading any disenting information. The more you read, the more you know. The Creator gave us a brain to discern truth from lies; all you have to do is use it. If you're the type to believe anything you read, then you need to learn how to perform basic research and keep an oprn mind. The GB wants you to think that they are the only ones who know what's best for you. If you choose to be led by this group of old goats, then you'll reap what you sow.



  • Vivamus

    I got out of the organisation about 5 months ago. It was damn hard at first, my best friends shunning me was something I logically knew would happen, but it gave me great pain none the less.

    The JW practically forbid you to think for yourself. And those who do, have to hide it, for you cannot openly discuss _anything_ when your a JW. It has been hard building up my life again, but is was worth it. Now I have freedom of thought and the freedom to express it. And isn't that the greatest gift any men can have?

    Oh, and the elders did rebuke me for having and reading apostate material. When I said to them that finally I felt I had the freedom to think for myself, one of the elders said "that's a pity, cause naturally, you don't".

    Good luck to you!


  • plmkrzy

    Just casually mention to one of your elders that you saw a pamplet or something about JWs and it was apposing something about JWs and see what reaction you get.

  • bad_associashun

    Considering the recent happenings re: Bill Bowen, Dateline, Panorama... and the many anti JW sites, WT articles & assembly talks dealing with the negative impact of the internet 'apostate' info/literature, it seems the WTS via the elders are tightening the grip on the clueless flock.

    If/ when they find about your lit, most likely you will have a judicial committee-the key to keep from being df'd: it is essential that you show works that befit repentance ("I'm so sorry, I got tempted, but I'm praying to Jehovah often and have rid myself of this evil wickedness").

    Of course, if you truly feel the JWs are not for you yet you remain in to save family / friends, you will be faced with leading a double life. Painful, either way.

    All the best to you, and welcome.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Panda J.

    Thanks fore youre post, I am in the same position as you, wery intresting and comforting to read, in some way internet is a blesing for us who grow upp inn JW religion, and i see we have almost the same history, mee elder for over 20 year, was boss for theocratic school very long time.

    Then something happend, one of my child was dfd, very unnfair, i read the Franz book as you ,on one day, it was like water to a thirsty man.

    Then i start to read all old books,like million now living will never die.

    I find some very disturbing things,like this 1873 thing,and that we dont understand jesus coming 1914 before 1942, that was realy news fore mee, I told my wife, and some others, katastrof,it was,

    i have a very happy marrige, and it was terrefieng to see what happend when I tell my secrets to her, she lost almost here life spark.

    So what to do, going on and being on both sides it not easy, but the only chosie I think.

    the truth have also done some very good things fore me, so I am very sorry to see this issus who give mee some dubts.

    Internet is a dubbel thing exciting, give you info,but , it is worth the price?

  • PandaJ


    I agree with you as far as trying to fade away without actually confronting anyone, that would probably be the best method on getting out. Unfortunately I am not 100% I want to leave. I think about it like this.. what got me into my religion? Simply believing and not doing true research, now for me to just jump to the conclusion that this is now the, 'wrong' religion would be playing into the same problem that got me here. I want to truly and earnestly seek the truth, and doing that as a JW can be hard.


    Thanks for the input, although I can't imagine an elder having apostate material, but then again, I may use that story if I ever have to defend myself. "I knew an elder who had apostate material, in order to be able to better defend his belief!" :)


    Thanks for your comments, I read some of your story last night and will continue to read it tonight. I wonder if I could record my first commitee meeting? Hmm.


    Love the name and icon. =P Unfortunately, you are quoting, 'Ceaser's Law', which I am sure they will tell me, does not supercede Jehovah's.


    I have been having doubts for the last couple years, I have been inactive for 5 years and just recently started coming back because my wife was an active witness. This, and the birth of my new child has put me in a situation where I feel I need to resolve this once and for all.


    I agree that their stance on not reading anything that talks bad about JW's is a very strange one, if this is the truth. It is as if they don't believe their, 'sheep' will be strong enough to decipher right from wrong, which is why they belong to a society which tells them exactly how to believe I suppose.


    Thanks for your reply, did you actually get DF'ed for owning/reading the apostate material or did you tell them you didn't believe as a JW anymore?


    I don't think that would get me the answer I need because I am sure their response would be, "Oh that stuff is horrible", then I would have a big grin on my face. :)


    Stop spoiling my useful habits please! That is where I see the problem being, if I do admit to owning it, I will also have to admit I read it and it gave me doubts. I wonder if that would be enough to get DF'ed.

    happy man:

    I am glad you found my post comforting, thank you. I only hope everything works out in the end. :)

    Thanks again for your responses.


  • Vivamus

    Hey PandaJ,

    No, I got disfellowshipped for a few transgressions that I did not regret. Still don't actually. Owning the apostate material was just one of those transgressions.

    I don't think you will be excluded for it, if that is your only wrong doing. But think on this one: what does it tell you, when an organisation classifies critical literature as "wrong"???


  • Prisila

    Hi Panda!

    Seems like we ALL have a lot in common. I feel your pain. I KNOW how horrible the torture and agony is of being in the middle. You can NEVER really just ride the fence. You are either evil or good . . . NO IN BETWEEN! My pain is horrific and unbearable and ONLY another ex or present fading JW understands. It is not fair to put someone in this position. Especially, when your parents and family should love you unconditionally. I can't take this horrible pain anymore! I have decided to live my life. My family members have chosen theirs. Am I not entitled to live the life I want? Easier said than done.

    Abrother2 gave me the most beautiful quote:

    It went something like this - "I'd rather have have my own mind, than answers I can't question and questions I can't ask."

    Panda I feel you pain . . .I need a hug!!!! ;(

    Edited by - prisila on 20 July 2002 5:7:31

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