I remember hearing stories as a kid that John Denver would ask all the Witnesses present at his concerts to stand. And, then after they stood, he would play the National Anthem. Any truth to this? Did he really hate the Witnesses?
Did John Denver hate the Witnesses?
by writerpen 38 Replies latest jw friends
This story has always had the ring of JW UL for me. Check out the usenet threads below for some discussions about it.
Mister Biggs
That rumor (that he hated Witnesses) was alive in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Also, we were always told that Earth, Wind, and Fire were demonic and that they would ask all the JW's to leave their show because they (E,W, & F) couldn't levitate (float around) and perform their magic tricks (because Jehovah's spirit took away their power to perform their tricks).
The way I heard that one was that he would ask all JWs to identify themselfs before starting a concert. As they did, he would ask them leave and refund their money. I was told he would not perform if he thought any JWs were still there.
Personally, I always took it as an urban legend, myself.
Don't forget all those druggie songs, though. Like, Puff The Magic Dragon
Lew W
There was some folks who actually went to a John Denver concert and he did no such thing.
If you stop and think about it, it is a little unlikely a performer could do that in the US and not have a well-known (or, at least, known outside the JWs) scandal around it.
they (E,W, & F) couldn't levitate (float around) and perform their magic tricks (because Jehovah's spirit took away their power to perform their tricks).
I never heard that about E, W, & F, but regularly regarding witches and fortune tellers. You know, the group of friends go to get their fortune read on a lark, the fortune reader can't get a reading, and asks if their is a witness among them for her to leave.
Yup, that's right. Jah's loving spirit at work. He'll let you be raped and murdered, but if you try and have your fortune read, he'll stop that right cold.