Little suprises you enjoyed as a JW

by roybatty 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    When you were a JW, remember those little things that made you happy on the inside but "sad" on the outside. For example, the meeting ending early or better yet, being cancelled. I recall a few years back the Society was pushing Sunday field service. UG! Since we had a Sunday morning meeting, it meant going out Sunday afternoon and missing my beloved Chicago Bears. Oh the pain!!! But every once in a while no one would go out on Sunday, meaning I could go home and watch football!!!! ((grunt))

    God bless those poor souls dragging themselves to the Kingdom Hall during the week. May He smite the Kingdumb Halls power lines, causing the meeting to be cancelled and allow those zombies to go home and enjoy their families.

  • Twisted

    I always prayed for a big storm to happen when I was supposed to do a talk, or I would hope that I would get sick. It was so much fun when they cancelled or something would happen and I didn't have to go out in service. I am very shy and don't like talking to strangers or in front of groups of people. My face would get all red and I would stutter and almost freeze up. Luv ya lotz, Twisted

  • SpiceItUp


    takes me back to time changes----I would always hope that my parents messed up on setting their clocks ahead that way we would miss the first hour....unfortunately it never happened that I can recall.


  • TheStar

    Great post Roy! You just reminded me of how greatful I am not having to endure that crap anymore!

    I can't tell you the countless times I would have much rather have been doing something else than being out in service.

    In those days, there was a sister I looked up to. She didn't ever care to go to the movies, or watch television or anything else, all she wanted to do ever was be out in service. I would ask myself what was wrong with me. Why couldn't I be like this sister? Why was I such a terrible person, wanting to do other things instead of doing what was most important and be out in service?

    Now I realize there was nothing wrong with me. The problem was I was comparing myself to an unbalanced religious fanatic!

    Ok maybe there was something wrong with me because I had to be nuts to compare myself to this woman! I had to be nuts to not see what is so clearly evident.

    It still amazes me how clear everthing gets once you step back from it all.

    Hoorray for freedom! Hooray for deprogramming!


    Edited to include: LOL @ Spice! That's classic!

    Edited by - TheStar on 19 July 2002 12:13:13


    roybatty.....Yes it was a glorious Sunday when the P.O. would announce that the visiting speaker did not show up ...of course there were those times when my heart would leap for joy only to be dashed by the follow-up..."so we'll have the pleasure of listening to Brother Boring from our own congregation on How You Can Have Peace in a Troubled World." Canned tripe. Occassionally though we would get out early. Those were truly glorious moments.


  • 13th_apostate

    hm. let's see:

    I was always surprised when no one came to the door when out in field service. I remember distinctly a few saturday mornings when we never encountered ANYONE. loved those days.

    I was always happy on the inside when the mikes would die or that there were technical difficulties during the sunday meetings. it was comic relief to watch all these so called "spiritually mature" brothers mess around and almost electricute themselves. amazing how "spiritually mature" usually equated to "dumb as a rock" in my cong.

    I was ecstatic when my family (single mom, myself and two younger sisters) couldn't afford to go to the convention. that was a meeting free week without any guilt! it was glorious. didn't happen often enough in retrospect.


  • bad_associashun

    Yes, I remember once the power was out for the book study that am (everyone gathered stray chairs & sat close to the open front door), there was the service meeting/school scheduled that night- knowing no one else would report it, and I as a pioneer should report it, and that there would be no meeting that night if it wasn't reported, I didn't report it.

    Thee was no meeting. When asked why did no one report the power outage, I responded, "I was leaving it in Jehovah's hands."

  • joannadandy

    I think my all time favorite moments were when you would get someone who had a return visit, and it would end up taking half the morning--YEAH! You got to sit in the car, until they came back and then they would say-"Sheesh I am sorry, you didn't get to take any doors" And you could always reply with "Oh well it's ok, I'm glad you had such a great call"

  • apple829

    I, too, remember the joy of a power outage and the warm fuzzies I got when the brother scheduled to deliver the Sunday Talk had car trouble.

    ...and those beautiful spring showers that would stop field service in its tracks!

  • SYN

    It was always so lovely to miss a meeting! Any meeting!

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