Joined(for heaven who wondered) was associated with dubs from age 11 until age 20; was never baptised but was an approved associate; left when my cong's gossipy, backbiting, spying, and uncaring nature was made abundantly clear to me; was considered one of the "brightest" - the elders wanted me to get baptised, serve at bethel and come back to serve "where the need was greatest"; I went out in field service, worked the mikes and was a bookstudy reader(I was a smart kid, took all college prep courses, graduated with honors and was sought out by many colleges; I refused them then because of my belief in what the witnesses taught). I didn't do any of that and instead after severing my ties found my own way of living and thinking. been married 7 years to a woman who was raised a catholic but doesn't practice. her love and her family's love have helped to complete the half person I was in the borg