Homosexual Big Brothers OMG

by SYN 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SYN

    OK, I don't see a problem with having a homosexual person looking after a child, but this quote caught my attention:

    Themes of adult-child sex are common in gay publications. The nation's largest gay publisher, Alyson Publications, which distributes "Daddy' s Roommate" and other books that promote homosexuality to children, also publishes books advocating man-boy sex, or pedophilia, including:

    • "The Radical Case," which contains detailed information on how to engage in sexual relations with young boys, and
    • "The Age Taboo," which claims "Boy-lovers ... are not child molesters. The child abusers are ... parents who force their staid morality onto the young people in their custody."

    Certainly not all homosexuals are pedophiles. However, perhaps Big Brothers Big Sisters should pay heed to the words of gay activist Michael Swift. Writing in the Gay Community News, Swift stated:

    Not everybody here is straight - would those who feel qualified care to weigh in on this quote?

  • Xander
    In fact, parents whose children are enrolled in the organization's school-based programs will not even be told when their son or daughter is matched with a gay man or a lesbian woman.

    WOW! Imagine that! Next thing you know, they won't be telling kids if the adult they are 'matched with' is from German or French descent! OMG! Oh NO!! And, maybe, next...gods forbid...they might not tell the parents of the kid if...hold on...too much at once....the adult they are paired with....*gasping for air*....is CHRISTIAN or PAGAN!!!! (aaaahhhhhh, the terror!!!!!)

  • SYN

    Xander: Or Protestant hehehehe! I did find all that NAMBLA jazz a bit disturbing tho, and if I ever saw a man doing that to anyone under the legal age who looked like they weren't enjoying it, they would get to know a big pointy stick somewhat sharpish!

    HMMM. That last sentence was a bit dodgy LOL! But you know what I mean!

  • Xander

    NAMBLA is another ballpark altogether.

    If you look at their membership and compare that to the 'out' gay population, I think you'll notice that they are a ridiculously small segment (as in, not even statistically significant).

    Just looked around on the web - NAMBLA has an estimated membership of 1,000, compared to the approximately 16 million homo- and bi- sexual males in the US.

    That the media focuses on them so much doesn't help, but the truth of the matter is, MOST child molesters do not have adult homosexual leanings (which the mainstream media would be loath to admit).

  • joannadandy
    The nation's largest gay publisher, Alyson Publications, which distributes "Daddy' s Roommate" and other books that promote homosexuality to children, also publishes books advocating man-boy sex, or pedophilia,

    Ok this is just out and out bad reporting and twisting the information...it makes it sound like these books are on the same shelf next to each other and that each gay or lesbian big brother or sister passes out these books as reading material. This has NOTHING to do with the issue of a gay lesbian mentor.

    Frankly Daddy's Roomate is just a kids book, which explains to kids there are some boys and girls who come from same sex parent households. Calling this PROMOTION of sexuality is a little insane. Also Alyson Publications publishes lots of literature on homosexuality. They are a gay publishing company. These does not mean they market a childs book like Daddy's Roomate along with the other books listed. Should they be publishing things like that, that's not my call to make, I find things like that distasteful, but that's me. What they publish is their agenda. Usually publishing houses like this one take risks and publish things other publishing houses won't. But again, this is poor reporting which is misrepresenting this information, and again HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH A GAY/LESBIAN MENTOR!!

  • Kingpawn
    activist Michael Swift(1). Writing in the Gay Community News, Swift stated:

    We shall sodomize your sons(2), emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theatre bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are men together(3). Your
    sons will become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. [Horse@#$&!]

    (1) Okay, first off, I don't know this guy. Is he with NAMBLA? Nor do I know when and in what context he spoke. If he's with them, he's the Marinus van der Lubbe of the gay community. Van der Lubbe was a demented Communist and pyromaniac who bragged he'd burned several buildings in Germany and was going to try the Reichstag (their Congress) next--and the Nazis, intent on doing the same thing (Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) as a sham pretext to seizing power, found him as much a godsend to their purposes as Focus on the Family must find Swift.

    (2) And they're taking it without resistance from the boys? Hah!

    (3) In many of these places men, not boys, are found; how many 15 year olds do you expect to find in a seminary or an Army bunkhouse?

    As Xander pointed out, the membership of NAMBLA is microscopic compared to the GLBT population as a whole. Few in the community defend them. They're what makes us unable to call Dr. Laura a complete paranoid. They blacken many people's reputations and don't care at all.

    Edited by - Kingpawn on 20 July 2002 13:10:46

  • Seeker4

    I'm afraid the source of your article is a religious group with a strong anti-gay agenda.

    The references to NAMBLA and that "gay manifesto" thing has about as much to do with the typical gay adult as the KKK has to do with Christianity. These are the same scare tactics, filled with innuendo and outright lies, that we Vermonters saw from a lot of idiots when the civil unions issue was being debated up here. They were using these very same pseudo-documents.

    It is also part of the continuing confusion among the ignorant about homosexuality and pedophilia. The vast majority of pedophiles are straight men. It's as simple as that. Bringing homosexuals into the Big Brother program will probably make it SAFER for the kids!


  • Bleep

    Homosexuality has become the norm in Satans world.

  • SYN

    Bleep: Really? Oddly enough, last time I checked, I was "stridently" straight. I haven't ever wanted to sleep with someone of the same sex, ever. Why, then, do you say that this is the norm for me? Your statement points to a gross lack of knowledge about the sexuality of people in the world today. More accurate would be to say that there are many homosexual people in our world. And what is wrong with homosexuality, exactly? Don't tell me you're going to whip out that big old Book of Fairy Tales Bible again. Remember, if you don't believe the Bible, it can't have any power over you.

    Do you deny the love that same-sex couples I have known have for each other? Apparently, your God is a God of Love. Surely your God would condone consensual same-sex relationships between adults?

    Geesh, I'm straight but I think I'm rapidly becoming a gay-rights activist LOL Some of my good friends are gay, and I don't see it as something that could affect my friendship with them.

    I wasn't actually aware of the information that others have presented on the source of this article - thanks guys. Always helps to have a clear perspective on these matters.

  • Sabine

    Who where the biggest proponents of man-boy love in history? Plato and Socrates, their works are probably the most influencial from ancient history...how come the male-boy love aspects of their works didn't have a significant impact on future societies?

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