I say this because half the witnesses i knew never seemed to be into answering at meetings,preaching the good news,being united with others.You see when i got baptised which was about 2 years ago i was really into answering at meetings,preaching etc and guess what people in the hall thought there was something wrong with me,they would say things like youll get used to it, you wont be happy much longer,this made confused because i thought these people were really into what they did with there hearts.I was obviously wrong,i then started to wonder does going to meetings,preaching,etc really show your a true christian you know serving god with a whole heart,all these organised rules didnt really matter i thought,you see if these people had do bible research,arrange the preaching themselves do you think they would do it.I now believe that serving god through organisations doesnt really make you closer to god i think serving god on your own really shows ones heart condition and how much you love god. P.s. Im not a" jw no more" and still working out religion etc, i do swear and lie now though LOL
Do Jws really enjoy being Jws?
by haujobbz 18 Replies latest jw friends
Good post I found it funny how certain family members were encouraging me to come back to the meetings and they were hardly there themselves. In fact I would go out on a limb and say that its probably a very small percentage of JWs who enjoy going to all of those meetings and putting in field service hour after hours. I think the majority just go thru with it because they beleive thats the only way they will be saved.
I never liked it when I was one...my mother appears to actually like but I think my dad could care less if he actually went or not. I think he'd rather be at home on his computer---who knows maybe he has seen this site---wouldn't that be funnie.
I *kinda* did.
Never liked the public interaction part (talks, going door to door), but that's cause the religion tends to make people introverts by teaching them the world is 'persecuting them'. Doesn't help a naturally shy kid to think everyone really IS out to get him.
We had enough pioneers, so...
I'm not sure any really ENJOYED it, though. The REALLY active ones always seemed to have TONS of financial and medical problems (chronic fatigue was a favorite, then TMJ when the Awake! article on that came out, then....).
I think the JWs just attracted people with a persecution complex. You know, people who are only happen when they are being beaten down? Usually, by 'the man', but JWs attracted the religious ascetics. They couldn't be described as 'happy' so much as 'satisfied' when they are being persecuted. They get validation/confirmation out of it, so they tend to imagine or create more problems than 'normal'.
There were two things I did like as a JW.
One was the thought we were learning something special.
The second was you could make a lot of friends and go to lots of places and meet people.
Now I can count my friends on one hand , actually just a couple of fingers.
That's why your out.
You are ridicules. You are only trying to justify your spiritual failure.
(Loyal JW - for ever)
Some do enjoy it !
If not, then of course it is your fault. It is a lack of appreciation for Jehovah's provisions, you are spiritually sick, you are not being blessed with joy, you must pray harder and try doing some more in the ministry!!
Perspicacia? perhaps you should be at the service meeting instead of here
Well, to sum it up I'll share a little joke an elder in our car group told. We were sitting in the car, taking a break and then the elder--a very funny guy--said "Okay everybody, heads down!" I asked him what he meant and he told this joke of a man going to hell. When he arrived everyone was standing knee-deep in manure. He thought this isn't going to be too bad. The he heard a shout: "Okay everybody, heads down!"
So, while it was said in humor, it may be indicative of a general underlying attitude of many JWs. I would never have admitted it, even to myself, but I HATED service!! Positively HATED it!! Was that clear enough?
Oh, now I see that your question encompasses more than just service. I remember twice in my sentence-time of being a dub, I composed a list of all the negatives of being a JW. I felt SO guilty and destroyed them (shows you how mind-controlled dubs are). One list went something like:
What has being a JW done for me:
1. It's ruined my marriage
2. It left me to raise 4 kids entirely alone, with no help from ANYONE in the hall
3. It left me practically friendless and entirely lonely (believe me, when you're a poor single parent in an affluent area, you're treated as a pariah. "Widows and fatherless children" my foot!)
Well, it was a long list, but you get the drift. So, I guess I can conclusively say I did not enjoy being a JW even though I read every magazine, studied really well (more than most I knew), and was regular in service. It was all duty, duty, duty, but I DID NOT ENJOY IT!!
Hi Perspi,
When you say we are out what does that mean, out of what? The self righteous organization? An organization is just a group of men who control the collective group of people who agree to be controlled by them. With the record of prophetic failures of those self aggrandized men, I'm glad not to be associated with the organization, it's only going to get worse.
The bible doesn't say to be saved by an organization but only through Christ, but I don't believe that Jew, who some claim was a human offspring of God and a woman. He was just making claims like so many other humans have done to having all the answers of life.
I think we all must arrive at what life means to us and our relationship to a creator is personal, between you and it, him or whatever. No one has any proof that he is right other than his imagination. Of course many just let a book or religion make their decision for them and blindly follow along, it's just so much easier that way, you don't have to think on your own and you develope a comfort zone. That's OK if you like it that way, but you have no more answers than anyone else.
Ken P.