Regarding the new light on blood and the different components we need to be aware of I think it will be very difficult for individuals to figure out what they can choose to take and what not.
Regardless of the status the aithful and discreet slave has assigned each of these components one thing should still be kept in mind. Even the smallest amount of blood fraction requires a lot of blood most of this though blood donations.
For eg:
Albumin is often used to treat burns. A typical treatment for third degree burns (30-50 %) requires 600 grams albumin. Producing this amount requires about 45 litres of whole blood. How can anyone call this "a small fraction?"1Hemophiliac preparations (Factor VIII and IX): We mentioned hemophilia earlier. Effective treatment requires a preparation called factor VIII, which assists in clotting and is made of the pooled blood of many individuals. How hopeless is the claim that these components are "small fractions" is shown by the enormous amounts of blood needed to keep a hemophiliac alive:
It takes about 9000 kilograms of whole blood to make one 0.1 gram dose of Factor VIII. A person suffering from severe hemophilia typically requires several doses a year.
This really brings into the question the GB now have to think about how the rest of the world will view what could looks like hypocrisy and selfishness due to the fact that witnesses do not donate blood. How can they point the finger at christendom without seeing the double standard that may come about from these blood changes. Its a wonder the Red Cross doesn't jump on them
With all these new lights does anyone think they are becoming more and more like mainstream religions ?
They seem to be able to hop in and out of bed with christondom at their will. Jimmy Swaggert Thát big full page advertisment they took in the New York Times which cost about $85,000.00 regarding the taxation problem in France and freedom of speech. The asking of the Catholic Church to support them in their battle for tax free status in France and allowing themselves to be advertised in a Catholic Journal.
Now with this blood thing.....I just gotta wonder????????