by morrisamb 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • thisisrich

    There are many reasons to pick bones with the Witnesses but this molester claims that he abused because he was a Witness!!! PLEASE! Witnesses don't even approve of premarital sex. This letter should be seen far and wide...oh my god, inside the head of molester!!! He is so presumptious...God forgives, therefore, all the world must, especially your poor family. And the gall to suggest you all are responsible for your father's divorces. I'll bet most of the wives were saints, innocent to the ways of the world and they fell for this monster.

    My prayers go out to you Donald and your family. Don't let him get to you. You are not alone and not to blame.

    We must tell other victims, educators and officials about this letter.

    Edited by - thisisrich on 21 July 2002 14:9:54

  • morrisamb

    The response to my father's letter has been amazing, both here and in emails to me personally.

    I'll try to answer some of your questions....first off, of course, he's lying through his teeth. How many molesters you know tell the truth?

    My mother has had one man in her life and it was my molester father. Not only did she not sleep with another man, my father wouldn't let her out of his sight. She couldn't wear make up, buy a dress, drive a car, write a cheque. He also moved us to the middle nowhere -- every year a different place. Unfortunately my mother didn't screw a Hungarian! Too bad.

    I haven't spoken to him since I was 15 in 1976. He knows nothing of my life now except what he has gleaned from my career as a freelance writer.

    It might interesting for you to know that the guy who condemns my homosexuality praised me when I dressed up like a girl. You can read more of that when you read my book.

    He writes that I broke up his marriages. I have never spoken one word with his second wife; his 3rd wife spoke to me after her divorce from him: "He married me so he could get my money."; I have never met his fourth wife..she called me out of the blue 8 years ago, "Is this Donald? I am living in hell." You guessed it, with the molester.

    I think you get the gist of what I'm saying. If my molester is mad now, wait until he reads my book!

    Edited by - morrisamb on 21 July 2002 18:43:36

  • msmorrisamb

    I registered quite a while back. Just haven't felt like posting 'til now. I am a sibling of Donald. I can assure you our abuser is lying through his teeth in his letter. He called me up wanting to know if I wanted to have sex with him since his born again status! I told him to go to hell and if he called me again, I'd call the cops. This is no man of God.

    We only talk about this part of our life to stop him from hurting others. I haven't read Donald's book yet, but I can't wait!

  • waiting

    Hello Msmorrisamb,

    Nice to meet you. I try to catch all Donald's post, even though they're hard to read for me. We share a like childhood, unfortunately. I've not read your father's letter yet, but from this thread, recognize the style of man. Manipulator, always someone else's fault, and intelligent.

    My father was pretty much the same, and I honestly don't think he was mentally ill. I think he was a sociopath. Perhaps that description fits your father too? I've read there are many sociopaths - too many to be recognized as "innocent because of insanity."

    Welcome to our forum. Even though this, and other child molestations threads, are hard to read - they're necessary. But we have many other threads also.....please stick around?


  • waiting

    I've just come from reading your father's letter. I apologize for my generalization of him. He might be a sociopath, but I would suspect he's also mentally ill. Perhaps he wasn't when he treated his first family, then 2 through 5, so horribly, but he sure reads like it now.

    My condolences to your family for having such a beast as a father....and my congratulations for your surviving his continued attacks upon you.


  • Allero

    how evil your dad is can't believe how he would twist the story to make him sound like he's Mr. Goody2shoes how could you all survive?

  • morrisamb

    Another email: I must order the book. I know it will be hard to read, and yet I know that it will full of insight and revelation. Some of the Asian countries have as many as 75% of the males (i cannot call them men) having sex with child prositututes - very sick sick and it makes sense that your molester (cannot call him your father) would place himself in the philipines -----HOWEVER, they are under democratic law are they not?? Embassy???? Too bad our Hollywood Terminator (Arnold) isn't for real and you could send him on a mission!!! You guys take care.

  • SloBoy

    Dear Morrisamb, Ms. Morrisamb and Tucky,

    This is Sloboys spouse responding.

    My heart goes out to all of you. I have been mulling this whole issue over and over, thinking about the two stinkin' witness policy. It led me to this. . . when there is a murder there is a dead body as evidence. Where there is molestation there is a dead spirit. The change in the abused child is so blatant, so obvious, so heartbreaking that only the most callous, oblivous, religiously addicted individuals would not notice. The organization of JW's is full of these little children, walking wounded, and the organization and any in it who turn a blind eye to their suffering and refuse to stand up and protect them are oh so culpable. May all of you survivors sleep well tonight.

    Much love.

    SloBoy's Spouse

  • Tucky

    Dear Mrs. Sloboy

    Thank you for your kind words. My dead spirit was also not noticed by friends, teachers, extended family. Maybe they did, but "noticing" requires effort, involvement. We know many don't want to get involved because there could be repercussions. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is. Those of us who are brave enough to act realize that lives are at stake.

    Except for the occasional nightmare, I did sleep well tonight. I'd sleep better if I knew children didn't have to go through what I experienced.

    Thanks again for your message.

  • morrisamb

    This letter came from a Witness in Europe: Hi Donald, I did read your fathers letter and just let me tell you that Ive seena and heard this more than once before. Thats why it is important for me to be able to have your book as a lesson. And then I will have your fathers letter to show the victims that they are not alone to have this terrible kind of letter. Thank you Donald to have the guts to let us know.

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