Hello tiawani18:
Not being a witness, I can only help from past dealings with other JWs.
All of the advice you are hearing is darn good!
Just remember that you are not dealing with people who are out to "get you", you are dealing (for the most part) with honest, loving people who have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE about what their religion really is. They only listen to what they are told, and they only know about what they are told.
Don't think that they are mean and ugly monsters, because they are not. They truly believe they are trying to save you from God's wrath.
Unfortunately, they WILL try to convince you that other people (such as the ones on this board) are evil and under the influence of satan and out to destroy you. Don't let yourself get caught in that line of thinking, because if you do then you will be hiding from your own shadow, possibly for the rest of your life.
Do some research on the web about JWs and mental illness, and you will see what I am talking about.