new jehovah's witness?

by tiawani18 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ianao

    Hello tiawani18:

    Not being a witness, I can only help from past dealings with other JWs.

    All of the advice you are hearing is darn good!

    Just remember that you are not dealing with people who are out to "get you", you are dealing (for the most part) with honest, loving people who have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE about what their religion really is. They only listen to what they are told, and they only know about what they are told.

    Don't think that they are mean and ugly monsters, because they are not. They truly believe they are trying to save you from God's wrath.

    Unfortunately, they WILL try to convince you that other people (such as the ones on this board) are evil and under the influence of satan and out to destroy you. Don't let yourself get caught in that line of thinking, because if you do then you will be hiding from your own shadow, possibly for the rest of your life.

    Do some research on the web about JWs and mental illness, and you will see what I am talking about.


  • Focus

    tiawani18 wrote:

    I am deceiding on becoming a Jehovah's Witness

    Instead consider a sensible alternative, tiawani18: go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful.

    If my advice seems a bit extreme,I am only borrowing the exact idiom of the WATCHTOWER itself! Here is the quote, from the official Watchtower publication "The Golden Age" of Apr 7 1926 on p438:
    "Tonsillectomy is called a minor operation. If so, getting well is a double major.. If any overzealous doctor condemns your tonsils go and commit suicide with a case-knife. It's cheaper and less painful."

    The JWs are dangerous morons: have absolutely nothing to do with them. The disgusting agenda of the Watchtower (described most exactly above by ICHING) is kept beyond the reasoning powers of most JWs.

    (Caleb Class)


  • tiawani18

    Well what a response I have gotten and it was the one I was hoping I would get. I am a college student in california. I was assigned by my religion's professor to write a paper on a cult. I chose JW. I have already done research on JW two years ago, and I would in no way be associated with that group. Why I posted that first statement was to see the actual responses that JW's would give me. If they would actually go on ahead and recruit me without letting me do research or tell me to get research first and then think about coming a JW. I had no clue that I would get responses from people telling me NOT to get involved with the JW's. If you can give me any other info on JW' s I would appreciate it! Sorry if anyone is hurt or upset by me testing the waters.

    Edited by - tiawani18 on 12 March 2001 21:40:6

  • larc


    Most here are not JWs, but we know a lot about it. If you want a JW point of view, go to a local kingdom hall and attend each one of their meetings for, say, two weeks and also buy some of their literature. Come back here if they try to recruit you.

  • larc


    You asked for more info about JWs. You have to be a little more specific. There have been thousands of pages written on the subject.

  • tiawani18

    i need to know their doctrine. I haven't been able to find anything on their doctrine. i didn't know that most people here were not JW. Thanks for the help. I did attend a meeting, but when I asked questions concerning JW's they always went around it and said that I should become one because it would make me a better person. I would never turn to be a JW.

  • jelly

    Hi Im a college student in california also.
    If you want to have a good idea about their beliefs I would suggest the paradise earth book, the latest blood booklet, and the creator book. But bewarned these books do not protray JW life as it really is. If you want to do a through paper and have a better idea of what jw life is like I would also read Crisis of Conscious, In search of christian freedom and 1984.

    P.S. And to answer your questions JW's (active ones) would recruit with out doing research.

  • expatbrit


    For a subject by subject JW view, try to get hold of a book entitled "Reasoning From the Scriptures". You may find it a little difficult to get, because it's not really available to the general public. However, an especially keen JW may lend you a copy. If not, try one of the rare book search engines:

    BUT, be careful!


  • larc


    Go to a kingdom hall. Ask them which book best describes there basic beliefs. Buy it and leave and don't give them your address. It is simple as that.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    There has been some very good advice given here. Glad to hear you aren't really considering becoming a JW.
    Just to clear up one point. Many here aren't active JW's but were at one time. For instance, I was one for about 38 years.
    You can walk into a KH and go to the literature desk and request a specific publication. They are not supposed to refuse you. Live Forever Book, and Reasoning Book are good suggestions.
    Crises of Conscience cannot be purchased at a KH. So don't ask, it will raise red flags. You can get it at a good book store or online.
    All of these pubs. will help you get a grasp on their doctrine.

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