To call an individual a derogatory name is one thing but to designate a derogatory name to an entire class of people that is called bigotry, prejudice.
To say that religious people have done the same and so it is fine and dandy to do as they have done is childish and gives evidence that the claim to have learned something is false.
To, all too conveniently, clump all Christians living today with what some Christians have done in the past is a school yard game which should be left in the school yard after we grow up. "Johnny's dad is a murderer, it's okay to throw stones at a murderer's son he'll probably do the same, they all do" the talk of children.
The Nazis were brutal but I can find it within me to forgive and forget as did my father. It
was war and war does things to people. It would be a fine thing if we
could all say that we would act rationally during war time but, would
What I can't forgive is christians and religion. This
isn't wartime. This is peacetime and yet, they act in ways that are
totally unacceptable. There again, they always have.
Forgive the Nazis but not Christians- should be the rallying cry for all who want to close their minds to reality. People are people. They go wrong, they go right. They ALL do!!
To Lurking JWs:
If we are learning to put down the JW black and white thinking why should we take up another black and white thinking? Where is the lesson in that? We will find ourselves in the same mental prison but with another name on the building. I would hope that lurking JWs do not go the way of imitating a
xenophobic kind of thinking where all who are not with us are against
us. If you are a questioning JW stay away from black and white thinking.
It never works, it never helps us get to a better place. Black and
white thinking leads to another cell block not true freedom of thought
and understanding.
Be Inclusive, not Exclusive.