by You Know 101 Replies latest social current

  • You Know
    You Know

    the Anglo-American dual world power

    Neon madman says: "Yet another Watchtower fiction invented to support their wacky interpretations of Bible prophecy..."

    Get a clue for crying out loud. Click here>>>>

    / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    Lady Lee asks:

    Haven't you read the threads in here about the kinds of abuse people have suffered at the hands of abusive parents and elders?

    No. Not really. They are too upsetting. I try not to read that kind of stuff. Is that bad? / You Know

  • COMF

    Are you using the same definition of "real soon now" that you were back in 1998, when "real soon now" meant October 1998?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well YOU KNOW they are bad. We suffered. I'm not talking about the slap on the bottom. I was sodomized and raped as a little kid and the elders knew and did nothing. I was sodomized and raped as a wife by my elder husband and the elders knew and threw me out to keep me quiet. He meanwhile married another sister with the elders blessing and di the exact same to her. She left him too and was thrown out to keep her quiet. This same elder beat his kids. And no I'm not talking about the slap on the bottom/ He would kick out two little girls with his hard meeting shoes on. He would pinch them in the meetings and they had marks all over them by night time. And now... he is living IN THE KINGDOM HALL APARTMENT. How can you support an organization that allows this and not be angry?

    My aunt committed suicide because the elders did nothing when the man who was abusing me - got her too. And the elders knew and did nothing. And after he got me and her he moved on to my 5 year old sister. All JWs need to read these stories because how else will you really know just how bad things really are?

    Silence of anybody who knows these things makes them partly to blame for the continuance of these things. Silence is the only thing that an abuser wants. The victims want you to stand up like Bill Bowen and say


  • You Know
    You Know

    Lady Lee

    The victims want you to stand up like Bill Bowen and say ENOUGH

    First off, I am sorry for what happened to you. Your outrage is certainly justified. And I am angry too. But, I have to tell you that Bill Bowen or Barbara Anderson saying "ENOUGH" is not enough. YK saying "ENOUGH" ain't going to cut it either. What I have consistently pointed to as the only solution to the evil of child abuse, both in the organization and outside, as well as the numerous other problems afflicting the organization, is when Jehovah says: ENOUGH! The Watchtower's tinkering with it's child abuse policy may help, but the root of the problem is that men are just plain evil, and getting worse by the day. Jehovah's purpose is not just to patch things up and try and make this system more livable, he proposes to scrap the whole rotten system. This thread that I started has to do with presenting before the reader facts indicating that the present global financial system is in the final stages of collapse. That is a preliminary to Jehovah bringing himself into judgment with his organization. Believe me, Jehovah has the will and the means to set things straight among haughty elders. So if you want justice, real justice, Bill Bowen is not your savior, Jehovah is your only hope. He can undo the harm that you have suffered and he can punish those who are responsible. But is has to come from God. The Psalm says that salvation by man is worthless. / You Know

  • Gopher

    Twiddle our thumbs and "wait on Jehovah"? While innocent children continue to suffer at the hands of the "Manuel Belizes" of the JW world?

    I think by concerned people raising a stink, there has already been considerable pressure put on the WT Society to change. And that has happened without ANY evident help from heaven.

    Edited by - Gopher on 22 July 2002 9:7:53

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    <<throwing my hands in the air>> why do I bother?

  • NeonMadman

    Get a clue for crying out loud. Click here>>>>

    Because you found a BBC article that says that Britain and America are friendly nations and have a "special" relationship, that proves that there is an "Anglo-American dual world power" so notable as to be the subject of Bible prophecy? I think your burden of proof is a few loads shy of being fulfilled on that one. You want so badly to accept Watchtower dogma that you're grasping at straws. Were Britain and America a "dual world power" during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, or were they enemies? Alliances and friendships between nations change over time, and Britain and America are no exception.

  • NeonMadman
    But, I have to tell you that Bill Bowen or Barbara Anderson saying "ENOUGH" is not enough. YK saying "ENOUGH" ain't going to cut it either. What I have consistently pointed to as the only solution to the evil of child abuse, both in the organization and outside, as well as the numerous other problems afflicting the organization, is when Jehovah says: ENOUGH!

    Has it occurred to you that perhaps Jehovah is using Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson and others as his way of saying "ENOUGH," much as he used Jeremiah to a similar purpose when his "organization" back then became corrupt?

  • Jewel

    Oh SHOOT!!! Here I've been worrying about the "Peace and Security" thing being the Sign of The End(tm)...or was that "Wars and Rumours of Wars"...

    I get SOOOOO confused.

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