by You Know 101 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost

    You Know,

    Be re-assured by these words:

    "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" - Romans 8:28

    There is nothing to fear for those in union with him, and may that include you.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • joelbear

    Funk & Wagnell's (the dictionary people) announced today that they would be removing the word soon from all future versions of their dictionary. A spokesperson said that due to its overuse and incorrect application by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society that the word soon had lost all meaning and therefore was now useless as a word.


  • You Know
    You Know

    Yeah, but when Funk and Wagnell's spokeman was further questioned regarding when exactly we could expect that they would be removing the over-used word from their lexicon, there reply was--- "Soon, very soon." / You Know

  • NeonMadman

    Neon Madman suggested that Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson were instuments of Jehovah similar to Jeremiah. I merely replied that if that were true it would mean that Jehovah's Witnesses were in fact God's people after all, since the reason that Jehovah sent Jeremiah to the Jews was to get them to live up to their covenant with him. Obviously, Madman hadn't really thought that all they way through. / You Know

    Actually, I did think it all the way through, and I realized that if my suggestion was in fact true, it would imply that JW's are God's people. That's why I originally stated it, not as a straight assertion, but as a question, asking you whether the possibility had occurred to you that Jehovah was using them in such a way. I was trying to get you to reason within your own mental paradigm. I wanted you to understand that your blanket condemnation of them was inappropriate, even from your own stated point of view, with which I obviously disagree. I do not believe that JW's as an organization are or ever were God's true people.

    It seems to me, though, that since Bill Bown and Mrs. Anderson have allied themselves with the faithless apostate movement that they themselves have ceased being Jehovah's Witnesses.

    See, now this is the sort of remark from you that doesn't make sense. You claim that you are guided by the Bible and not the Watchtower. You claim you can defend any belief of yours using the Bible alone. You have even condemned certain actions and teachings of the Watchtower in this forum, and predicted the demise of the organization. And yet, you blindly continue to accept the organization's definition of who is an apostate, and condemn people accordingly.

    To the Watchtower, anyone who was ever a JW and disagrees with their teachings or practices is an apostate. Clearly, their definition of an apostate would include you yourself, since you have openly disagreed with them several times. Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson are no more apostate than you are. They have not denied the faith or renounced God. All they have done is point out flawed practices and corruption within the organization. For that, the organization is persecuting them. How can you condemn them for doing the same thing that you do?

    It is an undeniable fact that many apostates are themselves grossly immoral.

    It is an undeniable fact that many of Jehovah's Witnesses are grossly immoral, as borne out by the recent media exposures, as well as the need for constant judicial activity in nearly every congregation.

    It is likewise an undeniable fact that many so-called "apostates" are fine, moral people.

    For you to make a statement like this is simply an ad hominem attack on those who have seen through the organization's deceptions. It bears no weight in the mind of any thinking person, but might influence those whose thinking facilities have been weakened by the Watchtower's mind control. Which, of course, is why you constantly engage in such attacks.

    no matter what the Watchtower does as far as changing its policies, or whatever, it is not going to stop sexual predators and other types of wicked absuers from doing what they do.

    True enough. But if predators within the organization were regularly and systematically reported to the authorities, at least some of them would certainly be incarcerated and thus prevented from hurting any more children than they already have. Likewise, if those within the congregation were warned when there is potential danger from predators in their midst, they would be able to protect their own children from harm.

  • You Know
    You Know


    I wanted you to understand that your blanket condemnation of them was inappropriate, even from your own stated point of view, with which I obviously disagree.

    I haven't condemned them. I just don't think that they are doing God's work as you hypocritically suggested they were, even though you don't believe that it is God's organization. You, of course, at one time did believe it was God's organization, and that's why now you presumptuously imagine that you know best how things ought to be done. You really don't have any say though. In short, since you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses it is none of your business how we sort these problems out.

    See, now this is the sort of remark from you that doesn't make sense. You claim that you are guided by the Bible and not the Watchtower. You claim you can defend any belief of yours using the Bible alone.

    I can. Why is that in question?

    And yet, you blindly continue to accept the organization's definition of who is an apostate, and condemn people accordingly.

    Wrong, my eyes are wide open. I simply know every trick in the apostate's book. You can't fool me, that's all. I refuse to blindly accept your twisted reasonings.

    Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson are no more apostate than you are. They have not denied the faith or renounced God. All they have done is point out flawed practices and corruption within the organization.

    Well, that's good. It doesn't matter to me, I am not their judge any way. I just am not going to allow myself to be bambozzeled by the likes of people like you into hailing them as heros, that's all.

    It is an undeniable fact that many of Jehovah's Witnesses are grossly immoral, as borne out by the recent media exposures, as well as the need for constant judicial activity in nearly every congregation.

    That's true. I will be the first to admit that. My point is, contrary to what you would have me believe, that Jehovah would not use any such ones, inside or out, to bring about any sort of resoration.

    For you to make a statement like this is simply an ad hominem attack on those who have seen through the organization's deceptions.

    No. It is a fact. I have been dealing with you people long enough to know that apostates are proud of the fact that they are immoral dogs, and those who aren't personally immoral encourage those who are. Those are indisputable facts. If you say contrary you are simply lying. Yet, you would have me believe that you are righteous truth lovers fighting for righteousness. Like I said, you can't fool me.

    / You Know

  • joelbear

    You Know,

    Thanks for embellishing on my point. The end will come and Funk and Wagnell's will change their lexicon at about the same time.

    Soon, very soon.


  • notperfectyet


    I missed you....

    And as usual, your post was right on.

  • sunshineToo

    To You Know:

    Thanks for the links. I've been watching the stock market for myself, and I am amazed how low it has gotten now. It is scary. But it seems like more people are investing on realestate now. Maybe that's why the stock market is having a harder time. Price of house is still high. ( A 900sqf. house costs over $300,000.00 here in the Bay Area. Can you believe that?) I'm hoping the economy would get better soon.

    You may be right about your thought on a biblical example and todays economy. Or maybe not. We'll see.

    How do you think Jehovah would feel toward the WTS? Do you think I'm an apostate, too, because I'm posting negative remarks at this forum?

  • Robert_V_Frazier

    It is hard to argue coherently against the arguments being made.

    It was hard to argue coherently against the Y2K meltdown in 1999, but I did. And I was right.

    What was You Know saying then?

    Robert Frazier

  • You Know
    You Know


    It was hard to argue coherently against the Y2K meltdown in 1999, but I did. And I was right. What was You Know saying then?

    By way of a little time line on events that have led us to the present crisis: Back in 1996-1997 I became aware that the system was going to come down in a way that Jehovah's Witnesses did not expect. It is just the way things are programed to occur. It similar to the apostles not being able to grasp the simple fact that Messiah was going to be killed and that his kingdom wasn't going to rule from the tiny little hill in Jerusalem.

    At any rate, with the 1997 so-called Asian financial crisis, I saw the potential for certain aspects of prophecy to be fulfilled. Then, later, in the unfolding financial crisis of 1998, when Russia defaulted and LTCM went kablooey, the means by which the system could be brought down really became apparent. As it turned out, of course, it didn't crash. Emergency measures were taken and catastrophe was averted. Then, in the events leading up to Y2K I avidly read both sides of the issue and eventually wieghed in on the doom side of things. As it turned out the whole thing was a massive fraud that was designed to pump money into IT spending. The Y2K hysteria was really hyped by the likes of Citibank and others as a way of pumping up the Nasdaq bubble, which of course rupture shortly after Y2K passed uneventfully. As the after effects of the loss of trillions of dollars set in the financial system once again came into crisis last Autumn. 9-11 bailed them out once again, as the governemt pumped billions into the economy by ramping up defense spending and bailing out the troubled airlines, and the central banks lowered interest rates to record lows to pump the markets back up. The billions more in debt bought a little time for the doomed system. The housing boom of late is the result of Joe Consumer refinancing his house and using the flushed out equity to keep himself out of bankruptcy court for the time being. Now, though, most ominously, the markets are lower than they were before all the liquidity pumping after 9-11 saved the day, only now there is very little that the Federal Reserve can do. The system is simply drowning in debt and the only solution is to take on more debt, to try and stave off the inevitable. Things are going to get real interesting soon.

    / You Know

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