I am interested in Ray Franz. Can anybody comment on him? I've heard rumors, but partial ones from JW's.
Ray Franz has anyone read Crisi of Conscience?
by 67mustang 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes I've read it.
The account seams pretty reasonable , he presents documents and names names.
The society has never denied any of his claimes.
This I feal speaks for itself.
Click here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/search.asp?site=3 and type in Ray Franz in the search box...you'll get plenty...but you should definitely read the book..
District Overbeer
Yes, I did. You should certainly read it, and see the "new light".
Yes I did, it gave me de final shove to leave the Borg.
It is a very calm written account of events. A lot of "apostate" literature is made of spite, but this one isn't like that. It also gives a wonderful history about doctrines like 1914.
Definitely read it!
I just did a search for "Ray Franz" and "Crisis of Conscience". There's enough there to keep you reading for a while. Yes I have read both CofC and "In Search of Christian Freedom". You should definitely read them. He is an ex-Governing Body member and you will learn what goes on behind the closed doors.
Here is Ray Franz's web site :
Hi Mustang,
Yes, I've read both Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. Mr. Franz was responsible for much or most of the writing and research of the Aid to Bible Understanding book.
My reaction, after being astounded by the books, was that the WT made a big mistake by kicking him out. He is extremely convincing and knowledgeable about his subjects.
I recommend both of his books with an A+!
Howdy - and welcome to our forum.
When I read CofC, the most damning evidence to me was the Malawi/Mexico fiasco. I was an active jw when the jw's were being beaten, raped, driven to the jungle, killed, in Malawi in early 1970's for not buying a $.25 cent political card. We were instructed by the WTBTS to write letters to the Malawi government showing our polite outrage at their malicious treatment of these good people. We did as we were told. We felt these Malawi jw's were being "persecuted for the sake of the Good News and God's Name."
Interestingly enough, there are scanned copies of letters from elders in Mexico during this same time period requesting spiritual guidance from the Society on their goverment situation. You see, they felt bad that they were giving in to the Mexican government and living decently while their Malawian brothers/sisters were being raped & killed. The Mexican jw's were actually joining the Mexican military (law) and then bribing their way out of active duty.
The WTBTS's response (paraphrased here - but scanned letter in book) "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But if you're caught, don't say that we had anything to do with your actions." So the Mexican brothers kept joining the military, using bribery while the Malawi brothers/sisters continued to be raped & killed for a $.25 cent political card that they refused to buy because that would show that they were supporting Satan's System. The WTBTS approved of the killing of the Malawian brothers to stay free of worldly governments & the bribery used by the Mexican brothers while in the government military.
When I read, and reread, the scanned letters from the Mexican elders & the WT responses.......that was when I KNEW that I had been duped.
As one poster here said once: "SMACK to my forehead! HOW could I have been THAT stupid????????"
Stick around - a good place to continue to learn & meet many kinds of people with one thing in common - we were all that stupid.
Though I had been out of 'the troof' for several years before reading Crisis of Conscience, after having read it I no longer agonized over my decision. Seeing in print the sins of the organization allowed me to understand for the first time that they were not the spirit-directed group I had always believed them to be. If any spirit governs them, then it is the spirit of man.
Recently, I pointed someone else to the book. After having read the entire thing, they attempted to discredit it. Their reasoning? That they couldn't believe that he would have kept copies of all of that information. Apparently, denial ain't just a river in Egypt.