Ozzie's Weekend Poll #12

by ozziepost 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    No change as to number of books. I have been a reader all my life with a love affair with books. If you count in all the WTS books make that 1000 plus then. I have found that people either are readers or they aren't whether they are JWs or not. I have met many JWs that don't read the WTS publications let alone a "worldly" book. Then I have met JWs that read a great deal besides the WTS publications. And that works with people who aren't JWs. My workmates are not JWs and they don't read any more than some of the JWs I know. (Blondie has been known to read the National Enquirer from time to time)

    Knowledge is power.

  • outnfree

    #10. 501-1,000

    I have always been a voracious reader. I have only been out a little over a year -- so the last 20 or so may be new titles. (And I DO make use of my local library.)

    I just did a quick sweep around the study (and I have books on 4 other bookshelves plus in closets around the house): total non-JW books = 129.

    Holy cow, Ozzie! I never realized how many books I actually own!


    Edited to say that I, too, threw out some books when becoming a dubbie, Vivamus. I had Nostradamus' prophecies, for example. lol AND I went on an absolute RAMPAGE once when I found books on witchcraft hidden in my daughter's closet. Those I actually tore up (which was painful as I hate to see books mistreated) because I didn't want even the garbage collectors to be tempted by such devilish stuff. Oy vay! How sick was that?!!!

    Edited by - outnfree on 21 July 2002 8:23:8

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Books? Aside from WTS books? Sin I tell ya !

    1 - 10 at most ...

  • plmkrzy

    I thought we were only considering books based on WBTS?

    In that case it's an easy 2,000+

    I have no room for all of my books.

    One walk-in closet is a lybrary and another smaller closet is solid Books also two large book cases that cover one wall plus books in storrage. I was telling refiners the other day I will gladly mail them to him, he being a book fancier, just send postage. LOL!

    And I still can't spell! LMAO

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 21 July 2002 8:50:26

  • Amazing

    #10: 501-1,000

    Lots of engineering, science, math, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc.

    Lots of economic, political, historical and social

    Gobs of medical, biology, and related books

    Scads of law, tax, probate, wills, estates, trusts, real estate

    Good amount of non-JW biblical stuff, like Vines, Matthew Henrys, Theological Dictionary stuff

    All these BEFORE I left the Dubs ... and at times my library was both cause for praise from some Dubs and a cause for concern by fellow Elders ... and I told them to get lost because I love books and reading.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello Ozzie

    I had zero books in my personal library, I wasn't allowed to read non-jw books. If I did, they were usually from the library, the cost spent on a 'worldly' book could not be justified, when the money could be used to assist the world wide preaching work.

    I have about 200 books in my library now. Most are in storage - but that wasn't your question, woops.


  • ozziepost


    Wait till ya hear Mrs Ozzie talk about her books! Her library is "off the scale"! Still she asks me how to spell words!

    Me? Oh, I've got a big library, always had, but I don't read much anymore! That's Dub training for you!

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Sadie5

    # 9, a variety of science, history, business, religion, how-to and novels. I've been borrowing more books from the library lately because we don't have room for very many more books. I might donate some to the library too, to make room for new ones.

  • Xena

    Probably #10 - I love to read and re-read and re-read my books. I rarely get rid of any. lol caught some flack about that when I was a JW....wasting my time reading those "worldly" books.....

  • jgnat

    My honey, an active JW, has 41-50, including the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, non-fiction on his hobby, aside from WT materials going back to the seventies. Great for me if I have to look something up.

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