Well TJ you've managed to mangle most of my post. Some of it does indeed reference the state of Georgia. However the corporate tax observation is universal. If you don't think that, say, Ford Motors doesn't factor taxes into the cost of automobiles, then I'd be suspicous that you've got a public school education yourself. They certainly don't take money out of "profit" and pay taxes. And "trust" doesn't have anything to do with it. You think Ford's got some option as to whether it's going to pay corporate income tax? That tax comes right out of your pocket, not Ford's.
Your second paragraph, since you've misunderstood my post so thoroughly, is irrelevant.
The state of Georgia, I'm certain I mentioned, has an income tax, sales taxes of various kinds, intangible taxes, ad valorem taxes on damn near everything, it operates two deep water ports (we're on the coast, y'know) taxes alcohol, cigarettes, and every other thing the "little guy" views as staple, the state of Georgia even taxes groceries for crissake, and some medical items. You obviously haven't been to Atlanta in some time, or you weren't paying attention. We've got one of the largest outdoor parking lots in I-285, I-20, I-75, I-85, I-675, I-575 you've ever seen, plus we have the busiest airport in the world, and a state lottery, not to mention a hotel/motel tax, and god knows what else. The state of Georgia is rolling in revenue. What the hell are YOU talking about?
And what do you mean about "people who engage in a particular activity should pay for it?" Aside from the fact that your statement is utterly ludicrous, there is absolutely NO excuse for a six-pack of beer that would cost you $3.50 in Ohio costing $7.95 in Georgia, all of the overage in various taxes. Let's hear it for the party of the average working man.
And you're right on the money, brother, there is a disconnect between what we're being taxed and the quality of our educational system, not just here, but in the entire country as the comprehension level displayed in your post so dramatically illustrates. You must be a socialist.
Edited to add P.S. - Cheney? What's he done that they all haven't done, including Daschle, Gephardt, Byrd, Franks and the rest of 'em? And I don't even want to start on Bill Clinton, the most corrupt president this country has ever had, bar none, including Nixon.
Edited by - Francois on 21 July 2002 17:23:25