Yes they are, according to an editorial in today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, written by Shawn Francis Peters. He takes to task Justice Scalia, who branded JWs as "crackpots," and claims JWs have done more than any other group to bolster religious liberty and free speech. View "Court ruling again places Jehovah's Witnesses as 'patriotic citizens' " at:
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Patriotic?
by Kenneson 10 Replies latest jw friends
Bona Dea
Jehovah's Witnesses as 'patriotic citizens'
Gotta love the irony.
They don't vote. They believe that everyone, all governments, all people (except them and their little "theocratic" set up) are going to be destroyed. They won't allow their members to run for public office...BUT just because they have the power and the $$$ to take every whiney complaint they have to court and usually win they are suddenly labeled "patriotic citizens".
Did I mention they won't even sing the National Anthem or say the pledge of Allegience?
Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are the epitomy of "Patriotic"!!....LMAO
It is amazing how many different definitions people will give for what a patriot is. I wonder what Mr. Peters' is? One person's patriot is another person's traitor. To some people living in Virginia in 1776, George Washington was a patriot. To those who supported the English, he was a traitor.
Does everybody agree with one dictionary's definition below? How does the JWs use of the scripture, "We must obey God as ruler rather than men" fit in? Does that mean as individuals we must lockstep behind every decision the government makes? That last sentence hardly describes the country I live in that allows difference of opinion. Just some thoughts to consider about "patriotism."
One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.
Blondie, to me, being Patriotic is not so much about supporting the Government, but about supporting the country. The overall people in it. I don't see the JWs as the least bit Patriotic, but I do see them as users and manipulators of the very system they decry.
Lew W
they are patriots for God's Kingdom.
Let me add to above that I grew up in a military family. It was often said at home by my father and his fellow officers that saluting the flag and saying the pledge did not reassure them that the person doing so was patriotic. My dad always would boom out, "Any communist can say the pledge and salute the flag." At the time, I was young and didn't understand what a communist was but this is how I look at it now. Anyone can say they love their spouse and give them a kiss from time to time, but that doesn't mean they might not be sleeping with someone else at the same time.
I can agree that JWs take from the governments they feel are going to be gone soon at God's hand which seems hypocritical. But then, unfortunately, some people today (some who claim to be patriots) also take and only give back words.
In the end it is not what we say that matters, it is what we do quietly behind the scenes on a daily basis to assist our fellow humans.
Since JWs are non-political, they by definition cannot be either patriots, or even real citizens.
"Patriot" is derived from Gk. pater (="father" in many modern languages) and literally means "a fellow-countryman" in the sense of having a common ancestral bond. The sense of belonging that comes from such a bond carries with it the obligation to support and respond to the needs of such a community. However, JWs proudly assert that they are "earnestly seeking a place of their own" (Gk. patrides, derived from pater) (Heb 11:14 NWT). They thereby reject any patriotic relationship with the other 6,000,000,000 people on this planet.
"Citizen" is derived from Lat. civilis, which embraces the same concepts of involvement with society as the Gk. polis (both Gk. and Lat. meaning "city"). However, JWs proudly assert that "As for us, our citizenship (Gk. politeuma, derived from polis) exists in the heavens..." (Php 3:20 NWT) Again, they categorically reject any sense of citizenry with this world.
"Politics" is derived from the same Greek polis, so JWs are also "non-political" (See the introductory paragraph in every WT mag). This is the very same as saying "not patriots, not citizens." As is well known, "citizenship" was very highly prized in Greek and Roman culture, even being offered as a reward for services rendered to the state. What "service to the state" have JWs ever rendered?
It is incredible that anyone could even imagine that JWs are patriots.
Maybe Mr. Peters could be e-mailed as asked what his definition of "patriot" is?
If the JWs are patriotic, I'm the Virgin Mary.
I don't think JWs think they are patriotic. But it would be interesting to think how Mr. Peters came to that conclusion since he is a scholar who says he has closely studied their beliefs.