Have you ever noticed how you seem to go from one mess to another? Without going into the details just yet....I have just spent the last 6 months getting my head together and getting back on my own two feet after leaving my husband and I have now managed to stop myself in my tracks and F**K up once again. I dunno what to do.....Im feeling pretty low and desperate at the moment and worst of all....lost. I dunno what to do and who to turn to. Ive managed to get myself outa one situation and straight back into another...this time though...I cant get out of it.
Put these words into a sentence..LIFE,MESS,IS,MY,A
by kat7302 22 Replies latest jw friends
refiners fire
Well Itspretty hard to offer advice without knowing details. However Im sure you will find a HUNDRED people here who would be willing to listen to your tale if you emailed them.
Hey Kat,
Take a deep breath, calm yourself and look at your options. There always is a way out. And this too, will pass. Feel free to e-mail me.
Hug, Viv.
Yeah, I take your point...
basically.......I have 3 children from my marriage. Been seeing someone for 6 months now.....funnily enough, he was a Ministerial servant from my old congregation and I had a major crush on him when I was a little girl. We met up in December last year after not seeing eachother for about 10 years and fell in love. Theres a age gap there...Im 24, he's 40 but he's a wonderful guy and the fact that he was a JW also helps cos we both understand where we've come from. Like I say, I have 3 children and he has 2 not that much younger than me (his daughter is preg!) and I found out last week that Im now expecting his baby. Im still in a state of shock....I didnt want any more childre, at least not at the moment. We're not living together and I didnt want that to happen because we have to...I was happy to take everything as it came. He isnt too freaked although it will be weird to have his first grandchild in December and then his own child in March! His girfriend and daughter are pregnant at the same time and the children will be in the same school year aswell. I dont know how I feel apart from very very frightened and very very alone.
Well, Kat732, I think most people been there, done that! Like said before, most of the time you have a few options, make a list of the plusses and minusses as that will do the trick most of the time! Take care! Good luck!
Sorry I don't have any answers, I can only play around with words.
Sorry Kat, our replies came through at the same time! But now that I know what happened.....Does this guy loves you? If he does then you're not alone, are you? Have you told him yet? And 40 isnt that old to become a father again!! Plenty of people nowadays wait a bit longer to become parents! Take care....
Yeah Ive told him and although it wasnt the plan, he isnt freaking like me. He says he loves me and we do have a great relationship. He told me that he wants everything to work out fine and that I shouldnt worry because he loves me. I think on the whole he's taken it okay actually...I havent told many people about it yet. My sister knows but not my parents...dad is chairman of wales on the HLC and mum is very very strong in it too. They really like my boyfriend they loved him when he was a JW because he really is a lovely guy and they were chuffed when we got togther in January too but that doesnt mean they're gonna love the idea of us having a child when we're not married. He isnt DF yet and I dont want the elders to use this against him. He's not a typical 40 year old , he's really funny, very fit and dresses trendier than me! but more importantly, he's just a wonderful guy and given the choice of someone to have a baby with, yeah I would pick him but the important word here is CHOICE, its horrible to be carrying a child and not really want it. Then again, I only found out on Thursday so its not exactly fully sunk in yet I suppose. Having a baby is a wonderful thing and I hate that Im not happy about it. I feel alone despite people knowing but more importantly............scared beyond belief
its horrible to be carrying a child and not really want it.
Well, Kat.... if you had thought of that before, or arent you allowed to use contraceptives??
If he isnt freaked about it, why should you? He loves you and will support you I presume so you two should be able to handle the whole world! And IF he gets DF"s so what?? There is life after that, a very good one to that, and according to all the post here, a much better one to that!
If you are already divorced from your 1st husband, then you can marry straight away if you would like. And dont get upset by what other people say, it's your life! Be happy!
Hi Kat, sounds like a pretty bad situation, but it isn't as bad as it could be....OTOH, the Elders will now have "strong circumstancial evidence" (hAHAHA!) that you were fornicating with your boyfriend, so be careful! Good luck, whatever you do.