I would like to share with the board an example of a way Dubs are brainwashed into equating the internet with Satan.
I heard this with my own ears! In fact I have it on tape.
A Circuit Overseer was giving the Sunday talk and he mentioned ways we are deceived by Satan.
I will not go into the details but he said, "It is in the bible that Satan uses many ways to deceive us'". He said, " We need to be aware of his ways of working on us. He said, "I would like to have you turn to 2 Corinthians chapter especially verse 11 it indicates that his ways that his ways of deceiving us are all indicated in the bible. He said, " Now I have to admit that as times change he has to alter the.way he uses those things, for example the crafts we have today, we have had warnings of the danger of the internet. He said, "That was not a danger back at the beginning of the 19th century and the 20th century we didn't have that system so he is tailoring these things but it is the same principle."
He went on talking and I was waiting for him to tell the audience what the dangers of the internet are but he never mentioned the internet again.
Talks like this are WTs way of embedding in people's minds that the internet is a place to stay away from . They don't have to come right out and say, "STAY off the internet" They put the idea there that it is bad and they don't even have to say why.
Folks, the WT is worried about the internet!!!
This subject has been discussed many times but that is just my 2 cents and marveling at the true masters of deception.
Edited by - chester on 22 July 2002 8:13:19