An example of the way JWs are Brainwashed

by chester 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chester

    I would like to share with the board an example of a way Dubs are brainwashed into equating the internet with Satan.

    I heard this with my own ears! In fact I have it on tape.

    A Circuit Overseer was giving the Sunday talk and he mentioned ways we are deceived by Satan.

    I will not go into the details but he said, "It is in the bible that Satan uses many ways to deceive us'". He said, " We need to be aware of his ways of working on us. He said, "I would like to have you turn to 2 Corinthians chapter especially verse 11 it indicates that his ways that his ways of deceiving us are all indicated in the bible. He said, " Now I have to admit that as times change he has to alter the.way he uses those things, for example the crafts we have today, we have had warnings of the danger of the internet. He said, "That was not a danger back at the beginning of the 19th century and the 20th century we didn't have that system so he is tailoring these things but it is the same principle."

    He went on talking and I was waiting for him to tell the audience what the dangers of the internet are but he never mentioned the internet again.

    Talks like this are WTs way of embedding in people's minds that the internet is a place to stay away from . They don't have to come right out and say, "STAY off the internet" They put the idea there that it is bad and they don't even have to say why.

    Folks, the WT is worried about the internet!!!

    This subject has been discussed many times but that is just my 2 cents and marveling at the true masters of deception.

    Edited by - chester on 22 July 2002 8:13:19

  • SYN

    Of course those losers in the GB are worried about the Internet. It's the greatest Apostate weapon ever! It has the power to bring together survivors of Tower-condoned abuse, and to expose their lies and coverups consistently.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    Yep, that's the way they do it, alright...

    Does that mean the entire Internet is satanic? One would have to ask that question of a JW, since after all, they have their own website, sanctioned by the WTBTS!!!

  • Vivamus

    So...that would mean that this board is created by Satan/Simon?.... And then we all are Satan/Simon followers by coming her to post.... Kinda like the idea....

    All kidding aside, I have heard the same rubbish in the Kingdom Hall., almost a year ago. Ive even had a heated discussion about it, cause I didnt agree. In my opinion it was and is a wonderful source of information, the argument that was finally given to me was `Yes, but there is porn on the internet` Aargh.

  • minimus

    I believe all traveling men have been instructed to reinforce certain things in the minds of the congregation. Internet= apostasy or porn,faithful slave= Jehovah's words, the Organization=the only truth.....If you hear this all the time, you begin to accept it and this is subtle mind control. They have been doing it for years.

  • Crystal

    I love that they tell you to stay off the internet,,,,think about it , when i was kid if someone told me not to do something,It made me more curious.And the jw that are haveing the slightest doubt will hit the internet to see what the org. dosent want them to know!!

  • ozziepost
    Yes, but there is porn on the internet

    Well, there's porn in books but this doesn't mean we shouldn't read books!

    It's typical Borg reasoning to use 'guilt by association'. This is also used to justify the banning of birthday celebrations. Just because something bad happened on the two(?) birthday celebrations mentioned in the Bible, so the WTS teaching goes, a true Christian would not want to celebrate a birthday.

    Neat control mechanism, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Vivamus

    Ahh, but Ozzie, you forget, reading books wasn't something to were too fond of as well. I have been rebuked many times for being in college, studying history. Many an elder told me that universities held bad association and worldly teachings that would destroy my faith. Hehe, and guess what? They were right, hehe.

    Guilt is indeed their major control mechanism.


  • witchywoman

    Since Satan is the head honcho of the internet, do you think I could get some help from him to understand my computer better? Sure could use it.


  • Georgia

    Perhaps some of you may remember this--

    At each circuit assembly on Saturday morning, there was a part on the program about all the bad things we should be avoiding. Usually it included things like bad TV programs, R-rated movies, parties with too many people at them, unchaperoned dates, etc. Once they even included the dangers of reading romance novels. (Some sister apparently left her husband after reading romance novels.) The last assembly I was at was several years ago, but they had added the internet to the list of bad things that good witnesses would avoid. They were always worried about "temptation".

    I used to wonder what kind of perverts they suspected we were? If we were alone with an elder in the car in field service, were we going to seduce him? If we watched a violent movie, were we going to run right out and kill someone? If we read a romance novel, were we going to commit adultery with the next man who came to the door?

    Give us the benefit of the doubt! Assume that we are basically good moral people, who want to serve God and follow the rules. I always felt they assumed the worst possible of each of us.

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