Communist Party vs. The WTS

by sunshineToo 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    So here lie the fascist mongral dogs...

    Marx told us there are two casses of men, the workers and the capitalists; the WTS tells us about the conservitive christian dogma of good men and evil men - a tad of a difference I'd have though...

    Progressives see liberation for the worker in the collective efforts of honest hearted men working to the common good up to their ability to provide for everyone according to their need; the conservitives (including the WTS) tell us ultimate prosperity in salvation is a devine reward for individual achivement of moral cleaness and rightness of character, irregardless of the fate of your neighbour so long as you did him no wrongful harm (as opposed to acceptable harm)... umm, JW and Communisim - where's the link???

    Funny how the WTS seldom if ever critisises the conservitive far-right christian fruit-cakes with anything like the venom they reserve for the less rightish Catholic Church... Fancy...

  • r51785

    Peoples Republic = Theocratic Organization
    Kremlin = Bethel
    Politburo = Governing Body
    Comrade = Brother/Sister
    Party Member = Anointed
    Proletariat = Great Crowd
    Capitalist Bourgeoisie = Worldling
    Counterrevolutionary = Apostate
    Workers = Publishers
    Pioneers = Pioneers
    Workers paradise = Spiritual paradise
    Party line = Food in due season
    Re-education = Bible study
    Disinformation = Theocratic war strategy
    Crimes against the State = Disfellowshipping offenses
    KGB = Elders
    Show Trial = Judicial Committee Meeting
    Liquidation = Disfellowshipping
    Party Congress = District Assembly
    Religion is the opiate of the people = Religion is a snare and a racket

  • r51785

    One more thought:

    In the Soviet Union it was illegal to listen to radio or television from the rest of the world, in the Theocratic Gulag it is illegal to use the internet. My how technology changes but human oppressors don't.

  • SYN

    Hrmp, at least in a Communist regime you can make MONEY by being CORRUPT!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Anyone interested in History Fabrication might read Trotsky.

    trotsky wrote numerous books documenting altered party history. "The Revolution Betrayed" and "The Stalin School of Falsification" spring immediately to mind.

    These books can be obtained thru a university bookshop. A lot of the fabrications involve the altering of Stalins role in the 1917 revolution. His role was, in actuality, minimal, but the party fabricated records to demonstrate that he led the revolution almost single handed. Also the doctrine of "Socialism in one country" is discussed at length. This relates directly to a failed prediction regarding Europe wide revolution and how they made a failed prediction a prophetic success. Methods and arguements used will be familiar to researchers of Witness history falsification.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    In his 1924 compilation, "Foundations of Leninism", Stalin wrote:

    "For the final victory of Socialism, for the organization of Socialist production,the efforts of one country, especially a peasant country like ours, are not enough- for this we must have the efforts of the proletarians of several advanced countries".

    This was written at a time when Socialist revolution was viewed as imminent, especially in Germany. However the "revolution" failed to materialize. How did the Party deal with this? The books containing Stalins statements disappeared from circulation. The new light of "socialism in one country" was concocted, and the former (erroneous) predictions were blamed on Trotsky, the great apostate.

  • Lieu

    Russia wasn't "Communist" it was "Socialist"...just to get that straight. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I guess it was more fun to say commie than socie...but in any event, they were never communist. Nothing communal about the old republic.

    Communism is what 1st Century Christianity and small tribes (still untouched by civilization) practiced. You gather up all the resources, bring them into the center of the camp, and divide the portions up equally among the people. No one person is in control of the resources.

    In general,communism, means that the ENTIRE community holds ownership to the land, food, etc. See the word "community" in communism?

    Socialism is a whole different ballgame. It means that a small centralized group speaks for and holds all ownership within the community. Supposedly for the good of the community; which seldom ever is. Like Fascism (one person holding all power) Socialism provides the masses with absolutely no rights and controls all facets of the gubmint.

    The WBTS is Socialist in nature. It claims to be Facist, when claiming that Christ holds all power (since 1914)as King, but the small group has usurped his power and made themselves in charge. So, during their coup d' etat....the WBTS figurativelly killed off Christ from being in charge.

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