The holiest of spirit!
by FusionTheism 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
The holiest of spirit!
Holy spirit is mumbo jumbo. The evidence for this is negative evidence; there is no evidence for any action purported to be accomplished by holy spirit which can unequivocally be connected to an outcome.
Believers however are constitutionally gullible.
@Crazyguy, I'm thinking along these lines, i.e. the major mythical input is from Egypt. Not only in the source myths which underlie OT beliefs and the "conquering hero saviour" which is both OT and also the central theme of the Greek NT texts... but also the post pharaonic influence on early Christianity when Egypt was under Greek rule centered at Alexandria.
My source for believing that Egyptian myth may have Ethiopian origins comes from the pen of John G Jackson who wrote Christianity before Christ. AAP 1985
The holy spirt was in ... JOB'S NOSE!
Job 27:3- All the while my breath is in me, and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils...
Why is it never translated there as "Ghost'?Most overlook what the words "spirit" and "spiritual" mean!
A disgusting example, JWs are told that they are given "Spiritual Food" from the GB!
Anyone know what "spiritual" means in the Biblical sense?
(You don't need to whip out Bible Dictionaries)