Elders are Complicit with WT Society in Child Abuse Scandals- Gonzalo Campos Case

by flipper 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • freddo
    Ah ... the G.B. They blanch at the thought of all those poor children that have been molested or put in danger ... oops I mean ... the thought of losing hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Vidiot

    What Tornintwo said.

    It's the simplest explanation that fits with everything we know.

  • Vidiot

    freddo - "Ah ... the G.B. They blanch at the thought of all those poor children that have been molested or put in danger ... oops I mean ... the thought of losing hundreds of millions of dollars."

    I'm sure they blanch at the thought of losing all those potential members, too.

  • flipper

    While my computer was being repaired the last 2 weeks I noticed that this thread had been bumped up. Wanted to reply to your takes and opinions.

    4THGEN- Good point you make. Isn't it amazing that the pope representing the Catholics has more concern with punishing Bishops who allow child abuse than the WT Society does towards it's own appointed elders allowing child abuse ? It's probably because GB members and upper WT leaders are guilty of child abuse themselves- so it's not a priority to them. GB members in the past were re-appointed elsewhere " on assignment " when found guilty of child abuse. Example : Greenlees, etc. So sick.

    LEVEL THEPLAYINGFIELD- I agree with you and I hope you are right. I DO hope this wakes up the authorities in other countries based on what the Royal commission did in Australia- we DEFINITELY need that kind of commission here in the United States to put the WT Society's GB hands to the fire.

    TORNINTWO- You make some REALLY good points. I mean it makes NO sense whatsoever for the WT leaders and GB to EVER allow a former child molester to EVER serve as an elder again- but you hit it on the head ; there are too many child molesters in the JW organization- they'd have no elders at all. I'll go one step further - there are too many HIGH RANKING JW appointed men who either are or have been child molesters, possibly on the GB or writing committee or others way up top - THAT is the real reason I believe that the WT Society will not release and continues refusing to release the names of pedophiles within their organization to the courts. Because it would divulge that thousands of elders were promoted and appointed to positions as elders, or C.O.'s or D.O. 's all along even though WT leaders KNEW they had a pedophile past. I think my take is accurate.

    FREDDO- Exactly. GB and WT leaders could not care less about the damage JW child abuse victims have suffered- all they care about is the money they'll lose in lawsuits.

    VIDIOT- Exactly what Tornintwo said, and what I stated- there are too many high ranking WT officials who are pedophiles and were or are child molesters themselves to risk the courts of the land having the list of names of JW pedophiles. Think about it. Why else would the WT Society be willing to pay 13.5 million $$$$ out to the victim in the Gilbert Lopez child abuse case instead of giving the courts all the names of the JW pedophiles on their database. Must be some pretty damning evidence against WT leaders in that list of names ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    My belief is that once a child molester, always one. From my reading on the subject, I don't think a pedophile can stop that activity - meaning, making friends with kids, grooming them for the preferred sex activity, scaring them so they keep the secret, and then using them for as long as possible.

    Before I was totally "out" i told this to an elder, who was my best friend's husband. He argued that the Bible says "That is what some of you WERE," and that means a child molester CAN change.

    That elder only had adult sons, so he didn't have to worry about being made to test that theory with his own kids.


  • Vidiot

    flipper - "Why else would the WT Society be willing to pay 13.5 million $$$$ out to the victim in the Gilbert Lopez child abuse case instead of giving the courts all the names of the JW pedophiles on their database?"

    Not to mention that by refusing to supply the data or Loche for testimony, they (IMO) handed any future legal opponents a virtually foolproof precedent to beat them in court.

    If they're willing to - for all intents and purposes - lose every future pedo case filed against them* just to keep the information confidential (and to keep GB members off the stand), it practically screams the question: just how damning is the information in those files?


    * EDIT: The recent apparent financial issues can't be a coincidence.

  • Vidiot

    @ Iown Mylife...

    It is, quite simply, an addiction.

    Addicts remain addicts all their lives... and the vast majority of them, sooner of later, do relapse.

    This is not a condemnation of addicts, simply an established fact.

  • flipper

    Have to go cut some firewood today so I wanted to bump this up before I go. Thanks for your replies.

    IOWN MYLIFE- Thanks Marina for your comments. I totally agree with you. WT Society is under the false and mistaken impression that child molesters or pedophiles can be transformed or " cured ". Totally false assumption. They are never " cured " - they just manipulate children, parents, relationships, and situations to further their sick, twisted abuse of minor children. The problem is also that the WT leaders look at child abuse more as a " sin " than the CRIME that it really is- thus thinking that these perverts can be reformed . So WT Society leaders arrogantly trust that THEY can reform these pedophiles instead of allowing the police authorities to do their jobs in punishing these child molesters and putting them in jail for good so they don't harm other children. It's quite arrogant and pompous of WT leaders for them to think they are above the laws of the land and no more- because they don't.

    VIDIOT- Exactly. Good point. Just how damning IS that evidence in the database files of names of JW pedophiles ? I think it would blow the lid off of WT leaders and expose them as being guilty or at least complicit in the appointment of thousands of elders worldwide ( or at least hundreds ) AFTER it was known these elders had formerly molested children. I think the WT Society knew it and just ignored the fact. I believe THAT is what those database files would show. Then I believe criminal charges could be levied and even MORE child abuse lawsuits would occur- this is the reason WT Society would rather pay out 13.5 million $$$$ than to have those details exposed in court. It would be the end of their ballgame in public sentiment and financially

  • Vidiot

    flipper - "WT Society is under the false and mistaken impression that child molesters or pedophiles can be transformed or 'cured'."

    I'm sure a few think that way, and they wouldn't be the only ones, either... as a comparison, "pray-away-the-gay" ministries have been around in other religions a while, despite being just as useless.


    I think the explanations are more pragmatic, though.

    If more and more alleged offenders became known amongst the R&F, it would undermine the WT's authority as "God's Earthly Organization" just a little too much. All it would take is a certain tipping point of fence-sitters crossing the fence as a result, and it's doubtful that the remaining loyalists still would be able to financially support the Society.

    Not to mention that if the Org - as a response to the exposure - felt compelled to remove the Elders and MS's who had offended in the past and restrict them from serving, they may very well end up with a serious shortage of "qualified brothers" able and/or willing to keep the individual congregations functioning*.

    Either scenario would seriously cripple the Org,


    * A significant component of - I suspect - the recent push towards to cart witnessing (to mitigate any potential "pedophiles are knocking on your door trying to recruit your children" accusations), and general transition into - as Barb Anderson has said - an "e-religion".

  • flipper

    Saw this had been bumped up .

    VIDIOT- Interesting points you bring up. Indeed- if the WT Society took seriously deleting any elders ho had child abuse pasts it may limit big time the amount of " brothers " who might be " used " in that capacity. But come to think of it- those names would include GB members or C.O.'s or D.O. 's who were child molesters too.

    Bottom line is WT leaders don't want to have their dirty laundry exposed at all so they can still operate financially. It's all about the money and if they can't keep up a good cover to rank & file JW's they'd lose too much of their donations

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