WBTS claims to speak for God.If we were to take their word for it we would have to believe in an Un-Intelligent Supreme Being(LOL).I find it humerous to believe the universe is run by an all powerful retard.I hereby dedicate this thread to all the stupid things WBTS figures God wants......God wants a 50% share of a bomb parts factory....God wants to hide pediphiles so WBTS dosen`t look bad....God wants interest on money loaned out to the people who donated it....God wants a publishing company that alway`s changes its mind on what God has to say.....What other goofy things do you know about,that WBTS figures God wants...OUTLAW
An Un-Intelligent Supreme Being???
by OUTLAW 16 Replies latest jw friends
I think you just fry your brains. Go easy on it dude.
as compared to scrambled like yours Fred?
If it was not so painfully accurate, I may be able to laugh.
Jehovah God gives immediate direction and inspired prophecy to the Governing Body.
The information then trickles down to the rank & file via the overseers of districts and circuits, the elders of each individual congregation, and through WT literature and practice.
Too bad the WT's literature and practices contradict themselves and tend to be hypocritical and self-serving.
Does that speak well for their God?
Edited by - Reborn2002 on 22 July 2002 15:37:47
I wonder who is your god?
Their 'god' is the god of the 'dead' they have obviously proven this continiously through their publication. when they scream out
about how abraham david..issac...etc.. are ALL unconscious and dead and will be resurrected later in life. But is it not written that Jah of Armies is a God of the LIVING...(not those that at one point in their life WAS living) the God of Abraham....Issac...and Jacob? etc..Therefore If the Society WT believes that Abraham Issac and Jacob and all those other prophets of old are dead ...and not living...then their god is NOT the God of the LIVING but of the DEAD. ...interesting "God ...OF...the....DEAD." .....Sounds like Death (Darkness) doesn't it? Seeing how Death rules over those DEAD. And Yet they profess continously that "you can live forever." Yet Their God is Death. ~FSEdited by - FiveShadows on 22 July 2002 15:42:36
Wow, I missed something. Bomb parts factory? Serious?!?
Hey Fred,I`m not nearly the party animal you are.If I partied like you I`d have a red face and multiple horns coming out my head...OOOP`s!.. I just described your picture,LOL..>>>Hey Reborn 2002,it is a sorry state of affairs,but as usual we wouldn`t be able to say it,if WBTS didn`t print it.At least we can point out the stupidity and have a laugh with it...OUTLAW
Nobody will never be a party animal like me. Hawkaw tried it but he failed.
Brother outlaw
Wt says jehovah could have seen ahead of time that adam and eve would sin, but jehovah restrained himself from foreseeing this. Later, just before the flood, the bible says he was sorry he had created adam and eve, because peoples' leanings were only towards bad. Sure makes him look stupid. Kind of like a little child who can't bear the truth, so it covers its eyes. Maybe that's why the bible says that he chooses the ignorant ones. Jehovah god couldn't match wits w smart intelligent people. Keep up the good work.
Edited by - saintsatan on 22 July 2002 15:54:16