On a number of Threads I have seen it mentioned that the JW Scam "religion" approves the use of Hemopure.
Is this in Print anywhere please ?
by Phizzy 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
On a number of Threads I have seen it mentioned that the JW Scam "religion" approves the use of Hemopure.
Is this in Print anywhere please ?
Phizzy, if you do a search of the forum's threads, you will find quite a bit of information posted by members about Hemopure and other blood substitutes.
I have my own opinion about Hemopure that is not necessarily shared by everyone. And that is that the JWs were used as a research group to facilitate the progress of artificial blood development. The Society's approval of artificial blood preceded FDA approval.
More about the FDA and artificial blood clinical trials here:
I dont know if this will help Phizzy but I remember a poster here saying Hemopure was approved by the liason committee for his mother (a JW).
sorry I dont have more complete info.
Phizzy, check this link out:
You may find what you're looking for there.
The WTS allows Hemopure, which contains and/or is made from (fractions of) cow's blood....
...the WTS allows breastfeeding, which contains (fractions of) human blood...
...the WTS allows virtually 90-95% of (all the fractions) of blood for medical treatment...
...but "blood transfusions are forbidden".
*** g 8/06 p. 11 The Real Value of Blood ***
What Are Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers?
Within each red blood cell are some 300 million hemoglobin molecules. Hemoglobin represents about one third of the volume of a mature red cell. Each molecule contains the protein globin and a pigment called heme—which includes an iron atom. When a red blood cell passes through the lungs, oxygen molecules penetrate the cell and attach themselves to hemoglobin molecules. Seconds later, the oxygen is discharged into body tissue, sustaining the life of the cells.
Some manufacturers now process hemoglobin, releasing it from human or bovine red blood cells. The extracted hemoglobin is then filtered to remove impurities, chemically modified and purified, mixed with a solution, and packaged. The end product—not yet approved for use in most lands—is called a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier, or HBOC. Since the heme is responsible for the rich red color of blood, a unit of HBOC looks just like a unit of red blood cells, the primary component from which it is taken.
Unlike red blood cells, which must be refrigerated and discarded after a few weeks, the HBOC can be stored at room temperature and used months later. And since the cell membrane with its unique antigens is gone, severe reactions due to mismatched blood types pose no threat. However, compared with other blood fractions, the HBOC presents more challenges to conscientious Christians, who seek to obey God’s law on blood. Why? As long as the HBOC is derived from blood, there are two objections that may be raised. One, the HBOC carries out the key function of a primary component of blood, the red cells. Two, hemoglobin, from which the HBOC is derived, makes up a significant portion of that component. Regarding this and similar products, then, Christians face a very serious decision. They must carefully and prayerfully meditate on Bible principles concerning the sacredness of blood. With a keen desire to maintain a good relationship with Jehovah, each must be guided by his Bible-trained conscience.—Galatians 6:5.
Hemopure is a HBOC made out of a blood fraction--hemoglobin which jws are allowed to choose now although it is made out of stored blood.
*** km 11/06 p. 5 How Do I View Blood Fractions and Medical Procedures Involving My Own Blood? ***
A protein that transports
oxygen throughout the body
and carbon dioxide to the .. I accept
lungs. Products being hemoglobin
developed from human or or
animal hemoglobin could be .. I refuse
used to treat patients with hemoglobin
acute anemia or massive
blood loss.
The WBT$ doesn`t allow Blood Transfusions..
It makes the Jump from Animal Blood in the Bible,to Human Blood..To make a case against Blood Transfusions..
Now that the WBT$ allows Blood Fraction Transfusions..
The WBT$ makes the Jump to Animal Blood fractions as acceptable..
The same "Animal Blood" the WBT$ used,to make their Case against Blood Transfusions..
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