Just a post to thank Mike and Christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was SO kind, I had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
So many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all LOVELY.
It really made my day to have you all around me; I feel so protective of you all now!
In fact I had such a great time I want to see the pics ;so I'll let Simon post the ones with me in them(cringe)
Thanks again Eman and Christina, Ballistic, Sleepy and your adorable wife; Matty, Trucker, Invisible;ISP and the lovely Latte with their georgeous children, Little Toe(do you ever stop smiling?!) Meat Pie, J2L and Jtobe Free (fabuolus accents and so insightful) Belmont and hubby;and of course Simon (modest and my hero )and Angharrad(beautiful !) and the boys who are so sweet.
I hope I did'nt leave anyone out or put anyone in that I should'nt have..
Here's to you all (I'm drinking now instead of then as I was driving!)
Take care and hope to see you all again soon
Termite XXX
Edited by - termite 35 on 22 July 2002 18:34:8