Watchtower now Proudly Promoting the DIVINE Jesus

by FusionTheism 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FusionTheism

    The Revised NWT has a footnote on John 1:1 showing that "a god" means "divine."

    Also, their other publications are now much more boldly referring to Jesus as divine:

    Jesus--The Way, The Life, The Truth (2015), Page 306-307:

    "Thomas exclaims:'My Lord and my God!' (John 20:26-28) Yes, he now has no doubts that Jesus is alive as a divine being who is Jehovah God’s representative."


    Awake, April 22, 2005, Page 9:

    Jesus is a god in the sense of being divine

  • cofty

    I don't think this is anything new. They have often used Moffatt's translation of "divine" for John 1:1

    It actually captures the verse quite well.

  • _Morpheus
    This is not the dumbest thing you have ever suggested. Im can even see the reasonable case you are making for it..... Not sure i can totally agree but you make a good case. There may be hope for you FT
  • wifibandit

    Of a "divine nature" in the same sense as the Anointed, and to a lesser degree the angels, demons and Satan.

    Old Theology Quarterly 1898 Tract No.43 The Bible Versus the Evolution Theory pg 12

    The coming Kingdom will be a spiritual and invisible one, but will operate and rule through human representatives. As an illustration of a spiritual ruler operating and governing through earthly agents, take "the present evil world" or age, of which Satan is the prince. A spirit being, he is invisible to humanity, and rules for evil through his human servants. With the end of this age comes the binding of Satan and the overthrow of his dominion- God's due time for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven having come. Christ's Kingdom will be the reverse of Satan's in respect to its character in that it will be a Kingdom of light, a Kingdom of righteousness, but it will resemble it in that its King and his associates will also be spirit beings of a still higher order, of "the divine nature," and equally invisible to men.

  • punkofnice

    No doubt the WBT$ will weedle out of anything vaguely trinity.

    We all know thwt it's the Governing body that are really the true god.

  • iwasblind

    There is no change to the teachings though. They just pull out Jesus as an exemplar, they say he is our King but do not give him any worship.

    Last year we got talking to a couple going to the School for Kingdom Evangelizers and a hot topic in their class was "How do we have a relationship with Jesus if we can't pray to him". No answer was given.

    This is where you mentally diseased people need to be congratulated!

    All of their teaching of late is just responding to apostates and you guys have highlighted for some time the distinct lack of Jesus.

    I was looking forward to the new book thinking they might actually acknowledge Jesus more but the new book is crap.

  • FayeDunaway

    But that does seem to be a new version of interpreting the Thomas exclamation 'my lord and my God!' Didn't they always used to say he looked at jesus when he said 'my lord' and looked to the heavens as he said 'my God'? I always thought that was as silly as their interpretation of 'you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my congregation.' They would say he pointed to himself as he said 'this rock.' Or the comma they put in 'truly I say to you today you will be with me in paradise.'

    I alwaus had doubts about their interpretations, ridiculous insertions and assumptions about certain scriptures, but used to shrug them off one at a time. When you think about them cumulatively it's like good GRAVY why did I let these fools control my life.

  • Heaven
    Soooo.... JW's are polytheists then.
  • sparrowdown

    Jesus is to JWs like Ronald McDonald is to the fast food giant - not real.

    Just like a mascot, and we all know how much respect is shown to mascots.

  • fulltimestudent
    Heaven: Soooo.... JW's are polytheists then.

    If they believe Daniel 7 is inspired, the answer is yes!

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