For JW's...Where in the Bible does it say...

by Wolfgirl 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wolfgirl

    ...that men are not allowed to grow beards?

    I don't know if this is true where you live, but where I used to live, it was against "policy" for brothers to have beards. Any man who did have one was looked down upon. There was only one where I lived, and he was only allowed to read the WT for the study on Sunday because he 'has a skin condition that makes it impossible to shave.' Where in the Bible does it say that beards are wrong? Why are men who do have them not 'allowed to serve' as elders or ministerial servants? Why are they looked down upon as somehow 'less spiritual' for having a beard? I NEVER understood that one.

  • Michelleatkin

    I'm no longer a JW, but it was the same here in England. It was explained along the lines and principal of women having to wear skirts or dresses and not trousers. (I dont think I owned a pair of trousers till I left!!)

    It is how the "world" perceives the JW, beards are associated with the world as being "way out", with "hippies" etc and it doesn't give a good impression. Bit like wearing a suit to go knocking on doors and at KH, it appers smart and apparently beards don't give that impression.

    Well that's what I remember anyway.

    Any other thoughts appreciated

  • johnny_was_good

    I cannot find it in the bible.

    But I know in one congregation that a MS has a beard.

  • Lieu

    Its because Rutherford did not like beards ... bearded brothers reminded him of Russel's presidency and Jews (which were at the top of his long hate list) ... and that's the simple truth.

    Its not in the Bible because it was actually seen as a disgrace for a man shave his beard. Never mind the God saw fit to have hair grow on men's faces....that's all superficial, right?

    Its like asking where in the Bible it says collard shirts with ties are necessary to show respect for God. Jesus and the Apostles would be disfellowshipped if they were here on earth today.

    Its specifically a man made up rule dependant on the whims of whomever deems themselves to be in charge and enslave others to those whims.

  • Vivamus

    Guess it should be filed right along the "sisters need to wear a skirt" rule.

  • ve9gra

    Little story on this: when I was still in the Borg a few years back but very inactive, I came back for one meeting (after about 2 years of absence). I had grown a goatie. One of the elders came to me with hand extended. I figured "Oh, he's gonna ask me where I was and what I did"... I was wrong.... he says: "Hum, you forgot to shave this morning?". I said: "No"... then turned my back to him to go talk to "sister hottie!"...

  • TheOldHippie

    I haven't found a place in the Bible where it says men are not to have beards, but what is the problem? Over here, there are wuite a few brothers, and including ministerial servants and elders, who have beards, and many more who have moustaches. In Latin and Turk countries, it is a "must" for a man to have moustaches. Do you mean that in the USA, men are not "allowed" to have beards?

  • Dismembered

    The stupid reason for no beards, is because "we represent Jehovah, and don't want any cause for stumblin' anyone at da doors. Peepos lives depend on the newest issue of the Watchtower"


  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    It's not in the bible. Nor are A LOT of the other stupid rules the JWs have.

    don't want any cause for stumblin' anyone at da doors.

    I don't know of anyone (except, of course, a JW) who would be stumbled by a friggin beard .


    Edited by - Bona Dea on 23 July 2002 10:45:24

  • outnfree


    Yes, in the USA it is seen as offensive by the Society for men to wear facial hair of any sort (although some get away with moustaches). There are several on the board who left over this issue. The commonly given excuse for the past 30 years or so in the US is that a beard is seen by society as a sign of rebellion (this excuse seemed plausible after the 60's). But the fact is that JR Rutherford preferred his acolytes to be clean-shaven. Apparently he offered to pay Bethelites to get rid of their beards, which many had grown to emulate "Pastor" Russell. The ban on beards was instituted in the 20's (if not sooner) when it was very common for men who were in no way rebellious to sport beards. In fact, a full beard and mustache were often signs of success and prosperity back then.

    I think Jehovah's view on the matter is found in the Old Testament where he actually FORBIDS cutting facial hair or sideburns. Ever seen any Hassidim?

    Interesting that the ban is not worldwide..... (hypocritical, too!)


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