If one wanted to be creative in Disassociating one's-self..just how would you Love to do it? I think it would be a riot to hire a few stripping telegram singers to sing my letter instead of having it read from the platform.. Hmmmmm...or maybe even do the job myself. anyone else?
How would you LOVE to do it?
by noidea 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hehe, When I had my meeting in the Kingdom Hall, I was pretty nervous about it. And my uncle just reassured me, saying that they had no power over me. And then he gave me this BRILLIANT advice. He said "what you must do is put some condoms along with your bible. And when they ask you to read a few scriptures with them, just let those condoms conveniently drop out".
God, I wish I'd done that, would have been hilarious.
I would do it right after a #4 talk at the Theocratic ministry school....
after the last words of my talk were done I would turn around and drop my drawers and announce my departure from the bOrg using my butt cheeks *much like Jim Carrey from Pet Detective.
Bona Dea
I'd get some of that fake poop that you can buy at most novelty shops. Not sure what I'd do with it...but I'm sure I could think of something....
Or buy one of those ink pens (where the ink is disappearing clothes) and place it on the platform before the meeting.
As you can tell, I'm not very creative when it comes to mischief....LOL...
I knew a guy once who was a bit strange. He got df'd for something or other. He claimed he knew of some elders that poached deer etc. So he has this long flatbed trailer on which he erects a two sided sort of sandwich sign about 8 ft hi by 24 ft long with these elders names on it and his charges against them in very large letters. He would then pick out a KH and tow that thing close to one on every sunday for a while. It used to gather a small crowd of the neighbors. Some liked it and some expressed the thought that he was a nut.
If you don't mind being thought a nut that may be one way of expressing your discontent with the situation.
One might leave the names off and just paint a big picture of the international sign of discontent.
noidea, you are a riot!!! :-D ha ha ha ha ha ha What an idea!!!!!
Invite some of your "worldly" friends to accompany you to the KH. While you are introducing them to the brothers and sisters, and they are being "love bombed," hand out copies of your DA letter with lots of scriptural quotations and refutations of JW doctrine.
How about during one of the slide shows?? Put a slide in with the rest that states "I'm OUTTA HERE" and then I would stand up and flash everyone as I was walking out.
>>Hmmmmm...or maybe even do the job myself.<<
I'd go to this meeting.....heh.
That is a brilliant idea, I like that a lot.I would seriously consider your method when I get around to doing it myself. Will post the outcome!