I used to hate the kingdom melodies, but maybe i did like one or two i think one was called "apostates on the march" @ I feel so human
Name your favourite kingdom melody?
by haujobbz 29 Replies latest jw friends
drahcir yarrum
"We're Jehovah's Witnesses" is one of those nauseating melodies that as each of you starts hearing it in your memory, you'll hate me for mentioning it. Enjoy!
After 12 years away, I finally had that horid tune out of my head, and you have to bring it back?
Here's to another 12 years of trying to get out of my brain.
Any song that had a tune in an octave way above any singable key known to mankind........it made for loads of funnies.
You can tell how I feel about most Kingdom Melodies by reading this thread:
However, there are one or two I think are not too ghastly. One of which is "Proof of Discipleship", which goes "Through the love that must be shown, All true Christians can be known, Christ displayed love perfectly, Proved to all his loyalty". I think the song is rather sweet and I'm sure, because it mentions Jesus, the writer has probably been disfellowshipped by now!!
"From House-to-House" is my all-time favorite. That haunting and lovely melody with its curious twists of rhythms and key-changes is perhaps the most beautiful song ever written and brings tears of joy to my eyes everytime I hear it. Not to mention the poetic lyrics which just flow along in perfect unison with the delicate harmonies.
Split-pea soup, anyone?
"Spank Me"....written by Leo Greenlees/edward chitty
drahcir yarrum
I believe Karl Klien, a man who given the right circumstances could have just as easily been a Nazi
as a governing body member, is responsible for many of the travesties we called "Kingdom Songs".
Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, but Klien also put an end to piano and organ playing at
Kingdom Halls in favor of phonographs and whatever they use today. All meetings had to be absolute
cookie cutter likeness of the others. No room for individuality such as piano or organ playing.
Everyone knows that Satan is a musician. BTW, does anyone know if Tommy Lee is Satan?
How about this......................I recently bought myself a new mobile phone and my daughter (who has an 'interesting' sense of humour), composed that haunting melody of LAZARUS, 'The Ressurection Joy',and assigned that particular ringtone to my home number. I was slightly embarrased when she called me from home while I was in the supermarket!
LOL @ Farkel. I know you're just saying that because the song is too HARD for you to play.
murray, I always wondered who made us stop playing @ the Kingdom Hall. Those men were so out of touch with what the people wanted....After I was taken off piano-playing duty at the Kingdom Hall in the late 80's (by my kindly circuit overseer ), lots of people came up to me and said that they missed the live performance! Oh well, theocracy marches on....
One of my favorites was "Shulammite Remnant" -- simple melody, heated lyrics like "the blazings of love are like blazings of fire". However, they kind of ruin it with the last verse devoted to the "remnant" and "temptations resist".
Farkel -- give me corn chowder rather than split pea soup!