there is a link to the transcript of yesterdays programme
MSNBC talking about JWs right now, 3:20 PDT
by truman 13 Replies latest jw friends
The next time a witness presents a doctor with a no blood card,
I think the doctor should look the witness in the face and say,
"Good, now I don't have to waste any blood on you.. I can give it to my Christian patients whom actually believe that life is sacred and want to preserve it whenever possible"... <hehehehehe>...
Edited by - itsjustlittleoldme on 24 July 2002 14:15:1
We watched this last night & were disgusted! A physician takes an oath. Part of that oath is saving lives, not pandering to religious to cults. It is a waste of the taxpayer's money to tie up courts with the Mickey Mouse nonsense of a guy on his own, perssonal jihad.
It has crossed my mind many times that when I was an older teenager when my mom got into this crap, & drove my dad out of house & home, attempting to turn the children on him, it could have been me. It could have been any of my siblings, sacrificed on the watchtower alter, had we become injured. She would not have informed my dad, then did her thing. -
my husband is an elder,,,,,
Now that's a scary thought! ugg...have you given any thought as to pro-active alternatives if you find your elder husband in a position to decide your fate in case of serious injury?