N'AWLINS! Bigboi please respond

by SpiderMonkey 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiderMonkey

    OK I just got through some problems that my computer had with its human & I'm back I just saw this thread:


    I sure do wish I'd been on this site around January!!! Bigboi, please e-mail me; we should hook up sometime!!! You will find me to not be the party animal Six is reputed to be, but good for a conv over a few beers. I have a few xjw friends in Slidell, too; we might have the makings of a "real" apostofest I know that LyinEyes & WildTurkey live in La too, & a couple of others I've met here & there, so I think it'd be cool if we could put something together in the big easy. Not in July/August LOL


    PS I live in Metairie, just a couple blocks south of I-10/Cleary

    PPS what do you think of Ray "round-em-up" Nagin? I think he's kicking some serious ass.

  • BugParadise
    Not in July/August LOL


    Im not bigboi but yes it's way to hot in these months .. Im in la too but close to Texas. My brother lives close to your town though. Years ago I lived in LaPlace for awhile wild place lo l


  • SixofNine

    As I mentioned to Bigs, I think NOLA would be the ultimate place in the US to have a huge international apostofest.

    But, that aside, I know you have air-conditioning in N.O., so gitcher asses partying.

    Or just hitch a ride to Dallas August 7.

    I'm gonna go to Slidell and look for my joy

    edited because I wrote "getcher" instead of "gitcher". heh, like anyone from LA would know what getcher means.

    Edited by - SixofNine on 24 July 2002 0:34:15

    Edited by - SixofNine on 24 July 2002 0:35:0

  • SpiderMonkey

    LOL 6... I wanted to get to Dallas on the 7th, but couldn't get off of work... But since there's extended sinning going on til the 10th, I just might make it after all!!! Getcher groove on

    SpiderMonkey of the New-Orleanian-yet-regionally-literate class

  • jschwehm


    I grew up in the New Orleans area. I attended the East Metairie Congregation and the Covington congregation. My cousin goes to the Lacombe congregation still I think. I graduated from Covington High School and Southeastern LA University. I live in Nebraska now....

    Jeff Schwehm

  • LyinEyes

    Spider Monkey you need to get your monkey butt over to Dallas, WT and I are hoping to stay for the weekend , we will see.

    I live very close to Shreveport, Louisiana , in little hick town about a40 miles away. We would love to hook up sometime work permitting. Hey , the Louisiana apostates are growing in leaps and bounds, and now that we are d/a , we plan on recruiting more.... heheheheh!

  • WildTurkey

    Lets party in the Big Easy!!!!!! Lets pass a good time!!! Tell us when. Hey spider, can i stay with you in February, rooms get a little high then, lol

  • zenpunk

    Hey! I'd fly down for this! I absolutely love New Orleans, um, sorry N'awlins!

  • SpiderMonkey

    hey; I've been mostly out for a few days getting my head straight. Jeff Schwehm! I tried writing you awhile back; don't know if you saw my post back then... I was in the E. Metairie congregation, too, and I was ALSO at the DeKalb congregation in NYC (around late 89 - early 93)... If I remember right, you said that you were at DeKalb for awhile. I was wondering if we might know each other, though I can't place your name.

    Dede & Denny: It is a tossup right now whether I can make the Dallas apostofest. I can't go wednesday b/c of work, and now the weekend is looking bad; the day after my dog died, I found out my van has a radiator leak. I can drive it to & from work & such, but a long drive seems too risky... Can't really afford to get it fixed right now, or get a rental car But we'll see... If I can get there, I will.

    love, Mike

  • SpiderMonkey

    P.S. Denny, do you do housework? LOL, then sure you can stay w/ me


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