My Way of Interpreting the Bible is the ONLY Right Way!

by FusionTheism 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FusionTheism

    Whether you are a Christian, Jew, undecided, agnostic, or atheist, isn't having the attitude that ONLY ***your*** interpretation of the Bible could be correct, or ONLY ***you*** know what the Bible means, --

    Isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?

    In addition, isn't trying to force someone to conform to ***YOUR*** interpretation of the Bible the opposite of "freethinking?"

  • freemindfade

    Do you think killing another race because they are not yours is up for interpretation or debate as to right and wrong?

    Am I closed minded for saying that's abhorrent?

  • _Morpheus
    I cant believe you started another thread over this but I think the point is that you cant pick and choose what makes you feel warm fuzzy from the bible and ignore the parts that bother you all the while calling yourself a bible believer/christian
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    It doesn't matter how any one person interprets the bible or any other holy book, it should be held responsible for any and all interpretations, as well as the subsequent results of that interpretations interaction with society.

    There is no way to interpret the laws of slavery in the bible to mean slavery is bad. Slavery was encouraged and sanctioned, and owners were allowed to beat their slaves as close to death as they liked.

    It many times proscribes infanticide. And praises those who carry it out, while the only occasion of someone refusing to resulted in his being disgraced from God and terrorized by an evil spirit from God (Saul).

    it encourages hatred of homosexuals as a profanity of nature.

    it lies about our history as a species.

    it falsely presents as prophecy before the fact a post recording of events.

    Regardless how anyone interprets it's horrendous words, these are the realities of the book.

    id love to hear your interpretation of killing infants in scores which makes it acceptable.

  • freemindfade

    FT we all want you to believe whatever you want.

    But please stop clogging up the board with the same persecuted rants about how closed minded we all seems to be to you.

    It's making you look bad. Seriously.

  • Doltologist


    Isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?

    Yes, christards and religtards have had 2,000 years of practice. They are masters of it now. Us atheists aren't as practised. You murdered most of us.

  • Phizzy

    Biblical Exegesis is a veritable industry. But what it all boils down to is the opinion of the exegete.

    What JW's fail to realise is that their leaders, the G.B and those advising the G.B, do not deserve the title of Exegete. They are woefully ignorant about the various writings that make up the "Bible" (the clue is in the name, it is a Library, not a book with a theme).

    Their book "What does the Bible really Teach", by its Title, illustrates their ignorant attitude, the Bible teaches nothing, it is men who teach their particular brand of nonsense, and claim it is "Bible-based".

    Why should the opinion of any man weigh more than another as to what the writer was saying ? well, true Scholars, familiar with the original languages, and with other literature contemporary with the book under discussion, must be better equipped than you or I to venture a valid opinion, but the G.B and their Writers ?

    Nah, they know no more than you or I, and precious little more than the R&F JW's they feed their nonsense to.

    ....................Image result for Mind your own business

  • nicolaou
    Fusion, not everything is subjective. You do understand that don't you?
  • FusionTheism


    Depends what you mean by that?

    Do you mean child rape and the Holocaust are not really wrong, it's just subjective opinions of some people that says those things are wrong?

    In any case, if you are correct, then there's no way an atheist or a Christian can claim to have "the truth" for anyone beyond yourself.

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