They stole Mommy's Mind

by gravedancer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • gravedancer

    The first memory I carry is your smile

    The oldest emotion I bear is my love for you

    You would have died for me

    When there wasnt enough food in the house, you gave me a second helping while

    missing most of your own meal.

    When I fell and skinned my knees

    You picked me up, tenderly bathed my wounds

    Poured me some milk and did your utmost to make me comfortable

    You made me feel like the most important kid by encouraging decrees

    I was the apple of your eye, Mommy and I was never afraid when you were there

    You always taught me to think things through

    Encouraged me to seek look for the good

    Told me to seek happiness and always feel free

    Make sure that everything I based my life on was indeed true

    So I did

    But now you are blinded by your belief

    The love you have for me is imprisoned within those dark walls

    Of philosophical twisted hatred for everything that is progressive and causes me to grow

    Mommy, can you still touch my love, cant you see through my grief?

    I still love you Mommy

    What did they do?

    Where have you gone?

    I need your love it means so much to me!

    Dont you want your child must make it through?

    How could you love me so much and then coldly reject me?

    No one is there

    I am so lonely

    This is the aftermath of Armageddon

    Does anybody care?

    I miss you Mommy thank you for your love

    At least the start of my life was happy...

    Edited by - gravedancer on 24 July 2002 0:52:56

  • sunshineToo


    Have you talked to your mom about your feeling?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints


    i'm sorry. so so sorry.


  • gravedancer

    Please this is not about me...

    I dedicate this to everyone on here who has been shunned by their own Mother or Father. You don't see my softer side too much anymore but some posts upset me tonight so I wrote it for you all.


  • DakotaRed

    Very eloquent and profound, poem, GraveDancer. I admire all of you who can write poetry. I have never had that talent. I especially admire your reason for writing it.

    Lew W

    Watchtower Decruit

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Thank you, Gravedancer! I'm one of the ones that has lost parents to the borg. I keep hoping that one day they will come to their senses before they die and I never get to see them again. Awesome piece of work! Thank you!


    Edited by - Fire Dragon on 24 July 2002 9:48:0

    Edited by - Fire Dragon on 24 July 2002 9:48:30

  • SYN

    Nice post GD...very moving...

  • gypsywildone

    Gravedancer, I can totally relate! One day a nuclear family, the next, us teenage kids are treated like filthy, disgusting hormones waiting to happen, dad is treated alternately with scorn/pity, finally to be driven from home. I can remember watching my mom running around with her green NWT, reading some scripture that said "woe to the pregnant woman", crying & saying she was 32 years old & pregnant with yet another sibling. What chaos & dispair mommy dearest wrought by getting involved with the jws instead of getting therapy! Thank you for the poem, it is profound to many of us.

  • zenpunk

    Thank you so much - I have been shunned by my parents (when they're not reminding me of my impending death) for about 6 years now and it is still quite painful.

  • DJ

    Re: They stole my mommy


    Made me cry. Although they stole my mommy and daddy and siblings and most of my life. Great Insight Thanks............DJ


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