Kat - Very interesting question. I was just reading about this subject - A friend of mine sent me a couple of speeches, although I'm advocating this line of thinking, I thought some good points were presented. So for what it's worth, here's some excerpts:
The Story of the Eden that you have not been told about...
The story is about the Garden of Eden, but it is going to expand to the revelation of the techniques of religion and its use of repression to exploit and enslave you. The message of Eden is about two trees and only one is in your experience and memory. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is what Christianity focuses upon. If that tree is the important tree, why does God tell about the other tree in the midst of the Garden? Surely God did not tell of the tree without a cause. There is a cause and it is a welcome to the other Tree by God, but religions wont tell you about that. Religions will do everything to keep you from life, from that Tree of Life. How? I will tell you...
The Tree of Life
is the tree religion does not even tell about, but it is there in the Genesis text. Why? Why does religion leave it out of its never-ending indoctrination process? It is really easy to understand when we think about what religion does even today. Religion is against life. All religions teach that this life is a punishment. Christians teach to renounce this life in favor of the afterlife; this life's ills are your fault for being born with original sin. Hindus teach that in previous incarnations you did wrong and you must suffer now in this life -
it's your fault. Buddhists teach that the ills of this life are a result of YOUR bad Karma. You get blamed no matter what you do or dont do. Ask a Christian what happens to a newborn infant that dies at birth. To hell it goes because it is born bad! What about the other tree?
...If Adam and Eve had partaken of that tree they would have realized that life is for living, loving and laughter. Rather than to go for life, Eve and Adam went for the knowledge! Religions have used that to instill fear of and shame by knowledge. Religions oppose knowledge.
...That is why they dont teach about that other tree in the garden
. God gave His directions to the midst of the garden and pointed out those
two trees. You could interpret that another way if you liked. You could believe that God wanted Adam and Eve to get to that
Tree of Life. When an angel drove the two from the garden the approach to the
two trees was blocked so only you can imagine the use of the Tree of Life. Life is important to all living things. Science still does not know what life is. Science knows the chemicals which make up living cells, but they just dont know the "spark" that creates life. Last year representatives of the "life sciences" of biology and physiology assembled major religious denominational leaders and created a document that lists the things the scientists cannot do in their experiments to "create life" and that list has ruled science for the past year. It surely will not hold for long. Science has no borders and knowledge grows and builds upon itself rapidly. If the scientists create life, that would eliminate the religious doctrines of creation. The same situation exists with UFOs and aliens. If governments know of such beings, they surely would not release the information because of its effects upon religions around the world. If man can create life, there needs not be any fear of God and any punishment or afterlife. Can you understand the reasoning?
Had Adam or Eve tasted of that Tree of Life would they still be around and would you be able to expect to live forever?
Why did God tell about two trees? It is forever a mystery and there is nothing wrong with a mystery, the problem comes when someone claims to have solved the mystery and forces you by repression or any other psychological device to become enslaved by a story.
...Rejoice in life, live life to the fullest and eagerly enter each day filled with the living of the day before. A mystery is each days joy waiting to be enjoyed. Renounce fear, shame, guilt and sin. Sin cannot exist in the real world, only in the religious worlds. What may be a sin for one is a pleasure to another. A pleasure to one may be a sin to another. Such silliness has to end if you are to enjoy life.
...I will tell you why man's greatest invention has persisted since the beginning of recorded time; supposedly the Bible in its account of Creation where we have the accounting of the first lie, but it really was not a lie it was a deception by question. Make sure you understand the difference before you take out your anger upon the snake. Remember the snake was supposedly the Devil or Satan, God's best friend angel, the most beautiful, the smartest, the finest example of "angelography" ever created.
Who is to say that the snake did not turn his self into the hunk of the world at that time, one hunk of a man - better than Adam or at least a quickie by virtue of the few lines the snake is purported to have spoken. Which would convince you more a talking snake or the partner of partners of all time no matter your sex? Think about it. That is where "sin and death" entered the genes of mankind...at least that is one theory that Reverend Hensley came up with thirty years before cloning ever was thought of.
...Rev. Hensley's belief was that the serpent, the Devil - Satan, had turned himself into a handsome man, well muscled, of sturdy build, quick of mind and hot of breath aching with desire created by the most beautiful woman the world had ever known - the only one ever known! Well, so much for that sermon that lead on and on to the act you could anticipate and that is what Reverend Hensley stated was the time "death" entered into the seed of mankind - through Eve's entanglement of emotion and sex in the middle of the Garden....
Peace My Sis - LL