English elder logs in.

by caspian 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302

    thanks for checking! I hope all these posts are of some encouragement to you. I know that in the society anyone who isnt a JW or has left is not considered good asssociation and maybe in some cases thats wise judgement but most of us are normal people who have a lot of unaswered questions and feelings...I wouldnt class myself as Apostate or anything because mum and dad are so strong in it that to completely diss the religion would be a personal attack on my family and Im not quite at that stage yet! I have 'issues'!!!!!!

    Ironically I think youll find that a good 85% on here have issues surrounding the child abuse either by personal experience or a close friend etc and the stories are sadly all the same so the fact that you are now at the point where you are thinking for yourself and not just accepting what you've been told is something to be proud of.

    I think some have assumed that because you've posted on here, you must be close to leaving and that may not be the case. You may decided not to leave and that really is your decision, noone should try and persuade you to do anything but obviously we feel that we didnt have much choice in being JW's in the first place as the tight way it is run pretty much leaves no room for doubting.

    I did say to another person on here before who had a conscience about these doubts that in some ways its just like you've gone back to being a Bible Study. You are told that Bible studies still get the Holy Spirit etc simply for being there but obviously they still have questions about it all. Just because you're questioning some things just means that you are allowing yourself to be yourself..should you decide to remain in the WTS, you havent done anything to feel guilty of. These are serious issues that have been raised lately and everyone is probably asking some questions.

    Once again, thank you for having the courage to post here and keep it coming!

    LOVE AND HUGS (purely scriptural!)

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hi caspian,

    I wish you well and will keep you in my prayers as you embark on your quest for freedom!!!

  • alamb

    Welcome Caspian!!!

    I am an elder's daughter, later an elder's wife. I was also molested by 2 elders. If you need insights from any of those perspectives, feel free to ask.

    I wish you the best. This place is "home" to many and a place to learn and grow. Happy growing!!!


  • outoftheorg

    Welcome Caspian.

    Like you I also was an elder. I held this position for 5 yrs. then resigned due to the things I experienced. Drifted away slowly or at least tried to. Found out one of my daughters had been molested by an elder. You can imagine the resulting chaos. Due to this and my anger at the situation I was df'd. The advice you have read here about going slow-getting some counseling- seeking a support group are all very good suggestions.

    As all of the advice you have already viewed here pretty well covers the situation I have nothing more to add. As you have read this will be a rough journey requiring well thought out decisions.

    As time goes by if you feel safe doing so, revealing some of the reasons behind your crisis with the wbts will undoubtly be of great interest to others still in the org. that also have problems with the actions of the wbts.

    Again welcome, wish you the very best in this journey.

  • caspian


    Thank you

    I realise that it must be hard for you, and I appreciate your sentements


  • LeslieV

    Welcome Caspian;

    My ex-husband is still an elder and still partakes of the emblems. Even though he has been an active alcoholic for many years. I repeatedly went to the brothers for help in this situation. Because we were both pioneers and were being used in helping where the need was great my pleas were to no avail.

    I finally left with my three young daughters about 7 yrs ago. He has had no part in fiancially supporting or being involved in his children's lives. As you can see he began partaking when he was only in his late 20's. It has always been accepted of him due to his power in the congregations.

    Please watch what you say right now and who you talk to about your questions. You have come to the right place to get answers, although I am going to guess you know more about corruption then we do. Keep coming back!!!!!!!


  • orangefatcat

    I was a third generation JW my father was an elder, he passed away in 1995. I was disfellowshipped in January 2000, ( I left Dec. 24, 1999).

    I have no regrets for the descions I have made. At first the road was tough, I mean I lost all association with my entire family. That is three other devoted sisters and my mother. All my relatives but two are JWs. So it was a lonely ride. But my new husband and the people in this board have been the greatest. I lurked a while until I made my first posting, and now I can't stop posting. You are a brother with a position in the organization, and it will be difficult for you and your loved ones, but you have got to think of your own sanity and well being and then explain in love to your family what is in your heart, and I hope that they stand up with you and understand. Because I think more and more JW are dissillusioned by what they are seeing in the organization. Always be hopeful.

    All the best to you. Be strong and any time you need to chat you know we are all here to help. At least most of us are. My thought are with you.



    Edited by - orangefatcat on 24 July 2002 13:2:49

  • Dia


    At google.com you can find Dr. Jerry Bergman, an ex-jw who has written extensively about the mental health of JWs. He has a counseling practice and has been in the position of helping many, many Elders such as yourself.

    My best to you.


  • SYN

    Hi Caspian!

  • Dino

    Hello Caspian and welcome.

    Look forward to hearing your experiences.

    Feel free to vent, rant and rave.

    Take care and keep in touch!


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