Okay You Know: I am confused and need some wisdom. ... The Dow soared 500 today on its path to its cyclical recovery, and I felt smug in that I could taunt you with this revelation ... then, I discover minutes later that by the year 2019 (just 17 years away) a big fat asteroid 1.2 miles wide is on a collision course with earth ... it has the closest rating of any asteroid ever reported, in fact the first 'positive' impact rating ever ... and is said to only happen every 2 million years or so ... we are in big trouble ... what is your take on this? I have a secular humanist answer, but I want to see what thoughts you have first.
Amazing, you beat me by a narrow margin on posting to YouKnow regarding this very issue.
I am quite sure in his self-perceived omnipotent, omniscient wisdom, YouKnow will disregard this event as delaying the inevitable. After all, he is one of the anointed remnant, and has foreseen all of these events to occur.
Well, I haven't heard about the asteroid. That's interesting, I guess. But, the deal with the financial system meltdown obviously has more immediate implications for the future of the planet. The way the stock markets goes, it is a fight to the death between the bulls and the bears. There are massive short positions that have been built up in recent weeks, but the bullish investors still have access to several trillion dollars of money market funds that are parked on the sidelines, as they say in the business. So, what happens is that the bulls with deep pockets dump a few billion dollars into the markets in order to spook the bears into covering their short positions, which means that they have to buy the stock that they had previous sold short by borrowing shares and selling them, which in turn drives up the share prices and the hope is that they can jump start some kind of rally before the whole thing simply collapses. The markets have really been backed up to the very edge of the abyss, so, yeah, we can expect some furious attempts to rally the markets and lure the suckers back in so they can do it over again.
I noticed that they really knocked gold down yesterday and today. I had heard some time ago that the $330 an once price was the critical level where some of the big bullion banks like Goldman Sachs would get blown out of the water, so apparently some of the banks are desperately selling into the gold rally to suppress the price until they can unwind their shorts on gold. Like I said, things are starting to get interesting. / You Know
If, for some reason, stocks were at a point yesterday wherein they were undervalued by 6.35% and more, then I would think that today's rally might be something to look at as part of a cyclical recovery. I don't think they were.
I think this economy could get much worse. I think it likely will- - to the extent that the pain hits hometown America, you, me, our neighbors(I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt we're in for any sustained rallies for a while; what is there to rally about?). I think You Know is an idiot for imagining that whatever happens with the economy has anything to do with a book of spiritual mythology largely written by unknown authors 2000 and more years ago.
If, for some reason, stocks were at a point yesterday wherein they were undervalued by 6.35% and more, then I would think that today's rally might be something to look at as part of a cyclical recovery. I don't think they were.
I think this economy could get much worse. I think it likely will- - to the extent that the pain hits hometown America, you, me, our neighbors(I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt we're in for any sustained rallies for a while; what is there to rally about?). I think You Know is an idiot for imagining that whatever happens with the economy has anything to do with a book of spiritual mythology largely written by unknown authors 2000 and more years ago.
I can't seem to reply to this topic without my PC crashing. Lets try a quick note and I'll edit later.
Oh, I was just going to say - about the asteroid. Do you think dubs would even consider this as I see several problems with the supposition; no one knows the day or the hour? What about all the animals would die out too?
I did have one idea, as the asteroid is not going to actually hit earth but just come close, perhaps the dubs could just leap off the earth and onto the asteroid. This would kill two birds with one literal stone. The dubs would have their new system, and we would be free of dub-doom.
When I read YK's financial prognostications, I'm reminded of the joke about the fellow who predicted thirty-eight of the last seven bear markets.
Does YK have a 401(k) account like all the other "suckers" he works with?
Which brand of mattress does YK reccommned as the superior investment vehicle?
Is Lyndon LaRouche piloting that asteroid?
Personally, I have confidence that the wicked, wicked men who run the world's economies will not let it collapse in on itself for one very simple reason - unlike superstitious theology students, the world's financial leaders have to deal with reality: they know there is no supernatural substitute system waiting until the appointed time.
There are massive short positions that have been built up in recent weeks, but the bullish investors still have access to several trillion dollars of money market funds that are parked on the sidelines, as they say in the business
Wow! I didnt know you were in the business YOU KNOW! Why dont you take your undying knowledge and ability to predict great events and either A: Go to the Race Track or B: Go to wall street and make Trillions! Since you seem to know that everything is going to crash, why dont you Short Sell everything in site and buy Bethel some new digs???? With your new found $$$$$ You could buy the Space Shuttle and take a one way ticket to the Asteroid and start a brand new cult!