Englishman's BBQ

by Joyzabel 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    Well, what can I say! E-mans bbq was unbelievable!!!. We had the most wonderful time meeting about 16 people from this board and the locals from E-mans pub. I am so glad we made the trip. It brings tears to my eyes and a warm place in my heart when I see different ones that I have met comment on this forum.

    Englishman and Her Ladyship were superb host and hostess. (Even their youngest, Ben was wonderful).

    It was great to see that no matter what country you were from, the jw mindset is the same the world over. We laughed about similar things in our past and shared experiences on how we are all surviving.

    Hugs and kisses to all we met. (not necessarily in alphabetical order or the order we met ) We will never forget our great time we had in England.

    Englishman and Her Ladyship

    Trucker GB

    Simon and Angharad


    meat pie

    Sleepy & wife

    Belmont (him & her)





    Little Toe

    Celtic aka invisible

  • Matty

    Joy2bFree, it was a absolute delight to meet you, and it was a absolute delight to meet JST2Laws too. You both were truly inspirational to me, thank you for all your good advice and support. It was an unforgettable weekend.

  • ballistic

    Joy, I can't get over just how great the weekend was and meeting you all. How did the rest of your trip go?

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hello Joy; It was lovely to meet you at the bbq.You and your husband are very warm,intuitive people that made me feel so pleased to have met you.Glad to hear you had a great time-I hope the London touristy trip is going/went well ! Do they let you touch the stones at Stonehenge again now ?or are the barriers still there?

    I loved your husband's accent-so calming;I could do with a tape of it for de-stressing purposes!!

  • Englishman

    Evenin' Joy!

    It was great wasn't it, HL and myself are all fired up to visit you next April.

    There are lots of pics at:http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32801&site=3, its worth fiddling with the download of the singing scene too.

    Big Hugs!


  • TruckerGB

    It was wonderfull to meet you both,hope you had a good trip home.

    Now remember,beer is drunk in pints,

    Take care,


  • Simon

    It was great to meet both of you (and everyone else there)

    It is so strange being able to put a voice and a face to a screen name and meet all these people that we 'know' in a way from what we post but could walk past in the street.

  • Angharad

    It was great to meet you and your hubby Joy. As well as everyone else there too.

    Glad to hear you got home safe. Thanks for the poster

  • ISP

    Thanks very much Joy.......I think you said you were organising another one in Florida next year. Keep us posted. It would be great to come over!!!!!


  • ballistic

    The time went so quick, when I got back there was 101 things I hadn't discussed.

    I also got the impression that I was not as people imagined. I know we were all a bit different to what we imagined, but were people expecting me to be ballistic by nature?

    p.s. sorry if I can't reply too much PC crashing problems. I should call help desk LOL.

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