Well...since I was a "gal" I didn't get to carry the mics. Somewhere in the unwritten code of the bible it says "If ye have ovaries ye shall not stand up in teaching nor mic carrying...yet ye are blessed to scrub the hall toilets if ye approved"
Yea.....whatever........but I did play the piano at our KH when I was a teenager. However, when I was 18 a bunch of us "young adults" got busted for having a party w/alcohol. We didn't get privately approved, but I couldn't play the piano anymore. Actually, as I look back on it I have to laugh. There were WAY too many of us to have individual committee meetings - besides - they'd had to kick out practically ALL of the young people - so the elders just called one big private meeting. 3 or 4 elders (can't remember exactly) to talk with about 15 of us at once. Of course, we didn't stop partying - we were just more careful about who was invited