Animated Avatars

by kat7302 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302


    Ive managed to get some moving images now to go on my profile but for some reason they are not moving! They move on normal posts but not on my profile, It must be possible cos some of you have moving ones.

    Does anyone know why and how I can make my little things move?

    (no pun intended, Im a chaste person and I take offence that anyone would have read anything lewd into that!!!!!!)

  • plmkrzy


    I would like to know that too.

    They use to move (mine did) in the old format but for some reason they don't anymore.

  • Matty

    Kat! Me too. My first ever profile pic was animated, but the uploading process killed it off, a bit like when you open an animated gif in photoshop or paint shop pro and save it by accident. Because of that I had to pick another one.

  • kat7302

    oh well, Nice to know Im not the only one!

    Nice pic by the way Matt.....panda huh? why does that look familiar?

    You're a sad man Matt..missed you tho!


    Edited by - Simon on 25 July 2002 9:45:8

  • Matty

    I just love them Pandas Kat! I want to marry one in the new system!

    Edited by - Matty on 25 July 2002 9:48:47

  • kat7302

    who wouldnt matt? They're big, cuddly, love weed and dont mind having black eyes!

    New system huh? hang in there buddy!

  • SpiceItUp

    kat--I dont know about the animated part....

    buit thought you should know that we cant see the pic in your message because its on your harddrive....You need to upload it from a webpage... just an FYI--

    ps---I can see your profile pic just fine

  • Englishman

    Simons upload facility will only show still pics. Linking to a webpage is the only way for animated avatars to work.

    This is quite good:


  • kat7302

    oh....thanks a lot you guys.....Ill give that a go now then!

  • plmkrzy

    OK E-Man. I tried everything and still nothing works.

    I even tried downloading directly from the web sight you linked.

    I tried 4 different annimeas and still nothin.

    They either stop moving or I get a pop up saying "only jpg or gif" And they are all jpg or gif.

    I don't have any idea what esle I could not be doing.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 25 July 2002 12:4:16

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 25 July 2002 12:49:16

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