good question fusiontheism
according to cognitive science deception and death are the two most pressing problems humans have had to grapple with in the past and also today. Religion addresses both and imo is the reason why it is more likely to change the world for good than atheism. for evidence look at its track record - we are here in the western world, at least, because of christianity. Okay yes there are as many arguments to say that religion has held us back. But the fact is that if we are saying that we have evolved for the better than one would have to factor in Christianity (in Christian lands anyway, in hindu lands it would be hinduism, in muslim lands it would be Islam etc) provided that we also acknowledge that religions have also held us back in just as many ways.
I guess a counter argument is that we would have made even more progress if there was no religion. My argument against is that without religion humans would not even be here becasue of the twin issues of deception and death together with the fact of evolution that humans seek individual survival if left on their own. Religion fosters group formation. Atheism as far as I know fosters individual survival as individuals much more than survival as a group.
btw: do I have to agree with atheists to earn a like? obviously as a thinking person I'm unlikely to do that