When I was a teen I had what I have refered to for years as a very bizarre dream. I always remember it vividly as if it had occured yesterday but never felt it was anything more than just that, a weird dream... until one day in my English class my English teacher proceeds to tell the class about her OOBE and it really freaked me out. Her experience sounded almost identical to my weird dream. I sat in my desk, frozen still at the possibility that I could have experienced some strange phenomenon. Being so young it really did freak me out but never got me curious enough to do any research on the matter and since I've always been a big skeptic on any kind of phenomenon it was easy for me to dismiss the idea.
I'm still a skeptic, although I will admit I have never done the research on OOBEs so in all fairnes I can not speak on the matter but I will share the story of what happened to me that night when I was a teen sleeping in my room.
First of all I know I was sleeping, it was evening and we had all gone to bed. I don't remember dreaming about anything, I only remember suddenly feeling happier than I had ever felt before and I felt so peaceful. A kinda peace that I can not describe. I remember thinking to myself how great I felt and saying to myself "Wow it feels so great as if I were floating on air." and I laughed and enjoyed that floating feeling. Then I looked around and realize, OMG I AM floating on air. I was in my bedroom and I was floating up in the ceiling so I started moving myself around the room.
Shortly after I looked down and noticed my very still body lying in curled position in my bed. I don't know what it was about seeing my body that totally freaked me out. In an instant my overwhelming happiness turned to utter fear, I felt like something was wrong, something was telling me that I should not be up floating around while my body was down lying in the bed. I remember thinking to myself "I should not be here", "I should be down there with my body."
Immediately I set out to get back to my body but I was like a helium balloon. I had to push really hard (like I was pushing against a strong wind) to advance a little toward my body but then I just get sucked right back up to the ceiling. As I couldn't get back to my body I was getting more and more frightened. I then thought to myself " I must be dreaming, I have to wake myself up." I tried moving around the room to turn on the light to wake myself up but my hand could not touch anything, my fingers were transparent and would slip right through, never being able to grip the light switch. I tried banging on the walls of my room but my hand would go right through the wall. I struggled and struggled for what seemed like an eternity and I felt exhausted and to the point of crying out of fear.
Finally somehow the floating stopped and I did not see myself apart from my body any longer, I was conscience but I was not awake. Though I felt relieved that I was no longer floating I still wanted to awaken from the terrible dream, I just felt like I was not going to be ok until I completely woke up. So I tried to open my eyes and it was the same struggle as when I was floating and wanting to return to my body.
It felt so scarey, then somehow I finally woke up in a panic, like if I was being suffocated and all the sudden I was able to breathe again. When I realized I was awake, I felt terribly relieved and thankful to be awake. I calmed myself down and told myself it was over, it was just a dream and I could go back to sleep without fear. I went back to sleep and woke up in the morning ready to start another school day.
I've not shared this story with too many people before. I don't know if it's considered an OOBE or not and it really doesn't matter to me either way but I do remember it very vividly to this day, almost 20 years later.