Watchtower in NY By Law has to turn in Pedo-Files

by YoursChelbie 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • YoursChelbie

    In response to an enquiry, I received this e-mail today.

    Does this prove beyond any doubts that the Watchtower's entire list of pedophiles names, in Brooklyn Headquarters, has to be turned over to appropriate law enforcement officials?

    By their failure to do so, is not the WTS clearly breaking the law?

    Dear XXXXXXX

    Thank you for contacting the Clearinghouse. We have received your request regarding clergy penitent exemption for child abuse reporting in New York state.

    I have attached a word document that contains a table of mandatory reporting state statutes, which was recently updated. You will notice for New York state that Clergy-penitent is not listed as privileged communication. You may also wish to view the state statutes located on our Web site, located at: Click on the State Statutes icon. Element #2, Mandatory Reporters, will be of particular interest to you. Thank you, and please feel free to contact us again should you have any questions.*


    Kirsten Mills
    Information Specialist
    National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
    330 C St. SW Washington DC 20447
    [email protected]

    *If you wish to contact us again regarding this particular question, please reply using this response (which includes your original request), so that we may more efficiently track your inquiry. Thank you.

    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 July 2002 14:15:16

  • sunshineToo

    Does the State of NY have "Megan's Law" as well?

    If they do, then the WTS might be in a bbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggg trouble.

  • SYN

    Those pedo "files" will be shredded the instant they ever come to light in any court case, I guarantee it. Theocratic warfare at it's finest.

  • hawkaw

    No!!!! wait a second.

    I want to get something straight.

    If the "act" was done in NY state then a clergy member MUST report the abuse if he becomes aware of the abuse.

    BUT and a big BUT. If the act happened outside NY state does the clergy have to report the abuse to the NY state officials? Like does the state want to know about "acts" done outside of the state and in different countries like Canada? (I'll give you a hint - NO!!!!! seeing they have no jurisdiction).

    Thus, only files for "acts" done in NY State would have to be released.

    Its very important that you get your facts right on this.


  • aluminutty

    Don't be so bleak. J. R. Brown(noser) and other watchtower skum have already admitted that such a list exists. If the list is somehow shreaded, or erased, wouldn't the Watch Tower and/or the officials incharge be charged with obstruction of justice. I say persue this avenue, doggedly. They have made a history of backing the weak in to the corner, its about damn time the tables are turned, don't you think? Could someone compose a letter to the NY atty general, or the prosicuters for the city of Patterrson NY, or Brooklyn, NY. There has to be some official, somewhere -- I'm not at all clear on juristiction, etc, -- whom may be *extremely* interested in all of this pedofile protection nonsense the WTBTS is accidentally, on purpose, supporting. Come on, lets yield up to Caesar, lets yield up real good.

  • NewWay

    'Caesar' is on his way!

    "...for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword; for it is God's minister, an avenger to express wrath upon the one practicing what is bad." - Romans 13:4 (NWT)

  • aluminutty

    Am I just jumping the gun? 23,720 and counting alleged cases is a large number. Statistically, then, there must be at least 1 case which would fall under the juristiction of NY state. Would there have to be more than 1?

  • hawkaw

    Oh there is likely one case and that would be all you need to get all the files in the hands of the police (not public) but you need proof.

    But the proof (like a witness statement from someone who saw the files and knows where they are etc.) is tough to come by in this closed organization. These guys tell Bill these files exists but have they gone to the police? Nope. And why not? Because they "fear" the organization.

    Like what do you want to have happen? Are you saying they have not disclosed a file in NY?

    What do you want investigated - the abuse or the possible obstruction?

    Do you then want all the files given to the police? Well no matter what they would need a search warrant based on some proof which is seriously lacking.

    All we have is an admittance that they maintain a database.


  • sunshineToo

    Please check

    In the U.S.A. no matter where you were convicted or commited the crime. If you are a sex-offender, you must register to the local authority. But those 23,720 pedos are not convicted yet. I would love to see the reactions of District Attorneys of all 50 states.

  • YoursChelbie

    Thanks SunshineToo,

    If you have a printer, this document is 9 pages long, it shows the responsibilty of each state to report cases of suspected abuse.

    If the WTS Society want the elders to handle their obligations in a lawful manner, from now on, they must instruct each elder to comply with current reporting laws.

    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 July 2002 17:37:43

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