I just got back and I wanted to say THANKS to Eman and Her Ladyship for a really great BBQ. It was fun meeting lots of lovely people too. Now I've got a lot of catching up to do...PS> IF anyone's got any pictures of me they can put them up I don't mind.
I'm back from my hols now...
by meat pie 10 Replies latest jw friends
Meat Pie, great to hear from you again. There have been too many posts to mention. You'll see some on the next active page. AND PICTURES!!!
Hi Meatpie - Glad you got home safe. It was Wednesday night, for me, although I couldn't get online until Thursday morning.
Sorry I didn't get to chat to you longer, at the BBQ - it went by in a whirl.
Hi meat pie - it was good to meet you at the bbq and share experiences. If you're down this way again, maybe we can get together.
Great to meet you, Meat Pie. Loved the way you just went straight to the pub before the barbie had even started!
Hi Meat pie.
Pleased you got home ok,it was a pleasure to 'meat' you
Take care,
It was lovely to meet you too, I hope to see you again at our next 'do!
Lovely to meet to meat pie
Thanks for coming so far to hang out with us "degenerates", lol
Good to meet you too Meat Pie - hope we can do it again soon.
(((Meat pie)))
It was great to meet you. I'm glad you made it home ok. I'm sorry I didn't say good-bye to you, you kind of snuck off while we were playing that thing-a-ma-jig. (I wonder why!!!)