I posted on the "Free Will" thread with some of my comments to Logical. He told me to never write to him again. Next, I posted with subject headings without using his name, just so I could give him more to read and think about.
by rabotnik 41 Replies latest social relationships
I posted on the "Free Will" thread with some of my comments to Logical. He told me to never write to him again. Next, I posted with subject headings without using his name, just so I could give him more to read and think about.
I am webmaster of the San Francisco "Common Bond" web site, located at
I can tell you that in the past 2 years alone, I have personally been in contact with well over 500 gay & lesbian JW's & ex-JW's on every continent of the world. Considering that our site has had over 43,000 "hits" since it was created, I believe we have only skimmed the surface and are providing a very real need to many hundreds of tortured souls out there. We are planning our third international conference this August, being held this year in Minneapolis.
I have studied the scriptures in the ancient languages for over 2 decades (I was disfellowshipped 21 years ago) and have yet to find any conclusive proof that homosexuality is condemned scripturally.
Hi Jim, nice to see you here. You should get John and Austin to join us.
BTW, do I get a commission for recommending your site? (hint, hint) LOL
Thank you RedhorseWoman. I'm going to mention this board to John. I don't think he knows about it. I haven't heard from Austin in ages.
There is a new message board which just opened for gay & lesbian JW's & ex-JW's at:
It hasn't caught on just yet but hopefully soon it will see as much traffic as Kent's old board.
I'll have to check out your new board, Jim. Kent's new board has been pretty much dead for quite some time. I go over there to see if anyone needing support has shown up, or any rabble rousers, but there has been almost no activity. I've GOT to give Austin a call. I haven't talked to him in ages. Write to John and Frank occasionally, though.
welcome Rab and Jim,
nice to see you both here,
cool site by the way jim,its a handy link to have, I quite often come across people on the internet who are looking for some support.
I am a former JW, who lost everthing and everbody by coming out as a gay man. I am thirthy one years old and have been out for six years.I am happier with myself and have more friends and "family" then i ever have had. Yes, i was married and have two children from the marriage they even lived with me and my lover for the first three years. i guess the turning point for me was when it was discovered that i was gay, that was more of a unspeakable sin then my x-wife living with her boyfriend. As for as i am concerd most jw speak out of both sides of there mouth. If she had left me for this man it would have been a outragoues sin. But because i left her for a man that i will love and be happy with till death do us part. She is forgiven ( even though she was disfellowshiped ) by my family and livelong friends. I wish anyone that is battling with this issue, to set yourself free and love who you was meant to love.
Welcome to the board ExGay,
Thank god for honesty. At least you were brave enough to be who you are.
First of all I would like to welcom Robotnik to the board.
During Biblical times, there were many same-sex prostitutes working in various false religious temples. THESE were most likely the ones who were being condemned in the Bible for unnatural acts....NOT those who were born with a NATURAL attraction toward someone of the same sex.
That is a very good point RHW, I wonder how much of the bible is misunderstood because we lack the context of the contemporary culture it was given in. Another thing that always impressed me was all these sins that people say Jehovah is so enraged by were never even mentioned by Jesus. Jesus never mentioned homosexuality. Jesus did mention taking care of the ill, poor and weak and those are things that Jehovah feels very strongly about. I find it interesting that fundies spend alot of time ranting about things Jesus did not seem to care about and not doing the things he did care about.
Rabotnik and xgayjw,
I am sort of new here again, but I was glad to see this post and I would like to jump in. I had been hoping to see this discussed for some time now.
Although I don't feel any sexual attraction to men, I do have a sister who has been in a same sex relationship for several years now. She also was raised in the JW faith, married young, husband did not provide any emotional support or even real friendship, and she later became involved in a relationship with her girlfriend (also a JW and a pioneer.) This contributed to her divorce from her husband, being disfellowshipped, and tragically, she and her girlfriend attempted suicide together, as they could not bear to face their guilt, their families, and their friends (all JWs). They were found by a concerned neighbor who helped them get to a hospital (they had overdosed on pills). They both lived and are still together after several years. They seem very happy together now, and have a good relationship.
Once I began to leave the JW faith (a couple of years ago), I started really reaching out to my sister and her partner. (to be continued, my computer just crashed)
OK. Where was I?
I have since then began to view homosexuality differently. I previously ascribed to the fudamentalist (JW) view. I have begun to realize that many homosexuals have very positive, supportive relationships, and that many, if not most, did not choose their sexual orientation. I now seriously doubt that a loving God would condemn practicing homosexuals to eternal damnation, or no resurrection or whatever.
Even if homosexuality is not part of God's plan for mankind (assuming there even is one), or part of his moral code, I don't understand how many so-called Christians single it out as somehow more reprehensible than any other conduct listed as a disqualification from salvation. Why do many feel justified in smugly singling them out for judgement? No doubt the Bible is a big reason, but many others acts are equally condemned there. I personally do not feel obligated to accept those scriptural condemnations as from God, nor many other parts of the Greek scriptures, which I feel invalidate Christianity as practiced by Christ himself, and the concept of a loving God. I have seen the alternate meanings offered for those scriptures, but regardless, many homosexuals know better in their hearts than to believe that they are condemned by God.
Some cultures also believe it is wrong to allow children to use their left hand (the Devil's hand), and will beat them until they only use their right hand. The person was still born left-handed, whether they use it or not. If people are born with a trait as important as sexual orientation, if it is truly who they are, then who are we to condemn them for it? Why not leave that between them and God, assuming he even cares. Why not just be accepting and loving, even if it is not our choice?
I don't believe that there is any legitimate danger to society posed by homosexuals as a class, any more so than heterosexuals as class. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if heteros have a much higher ratio of criminal behavior as a group.
Organized Christianity cloaks the evils of intolerance with the Pharasaical robes of self-righteousness. Isn't it amazing what humans will do to one another as long as someone says that it is "God's will"? It makes me sick!