Talk about secrets, when I was the Account Servant its was even secret/confidential for the to allow me to even see letters address to the Elders even when they had instructions dealing with running the congregation accounts. I had to go over and see another brother in a local congregation just to make sure I was doing things right! This elder was so thick he tried his best to explain how I should do the accounts, but he used to get it so wrong.
I also looked after the subscriptions and I kept the letters of instruction on how to deal with subs, but once, I showed the on how to deal with subs correctly, what did he do? Tried to confiscate them from me, I used to pull my hair out at all of this stupid stuff, no wonder I feel as I do now.
I can understand why the WT is in this big mess the Elder can not handle things right, I feel its all down to pride, and power!!!