I was wondering, are hot dogs and tacos unchristion?? Hot dogs do look like, well I can't say that, and tacos do look like another thing I can't mention. So, my basic question is this - are hot dogs and tacos unchristian? I really need to know the answer to this pregnant question. Thank you in advance, for your contributions.
hot dogs and tacos
by larc 15 Replies latest jw friends
I love both! What does that say about me?!
yes you may eat both the hot dog and the taco, but you can't eat the taco with the wiener in the taco shell, because you may be unconsciencely thinking about a penis in a vigina.Otherwise please eat all you want.
Reckless, I think you blessed me with the answer. You can eat one at a time, but not both, not at the same time, because such eating would make a person think of, well, I can't say it.
I must add:
Hot dogs do need to be properly encased and with the correct condomints... then eat it as quick as possible for the greatest pleasure. Though my husband has said that eating it slower would be better.
Tacos should be soft...the flavor shoud come through with the eating. You can feel the tortilla on your tongue and lips. You can smear the sauce.
Hmmm, I am hungry...I think I have to go eat!
puffy, you are making me hungry...I think I may go nibble that soft taco shell.
Hi Larc,
Did you know that 'hot-dogs' were invented by the ancient Sumerians and tacos by the Pharisees? I am working on a thesis at the moment, I hope to publish it and become so rich that I can buy out the Taco-Bell chain and turn them all into medical centres so that all poisoned by their food have some hope....lol
Just teasing - HS
Larc, would you prefer Jehovah's spiritual provision?
What if you just rub the red hot against the tortilla,but don't actually place it inside, is that a major sin? I'm not being "JOCULAR", I just went to our county fair and I'm afraid I may have inadvertantly done this by not properly seperating them with the napkins!!!
bitter mango
MMMmm tacos!